Who’s ready for Field Day, June 22-23? For the experienced operators at DX Engineering, it’s one of the highlights of the Ham Radio year.
The first ARRL Field Day was held in 1933. Ever since, Hams have gathered in June to practice emergency communications by setting up temporary stations and honing their operating skills, often in less than ideal conditions. Today, emergency preparedness remains an integral part of Field Day, but it’s only part of what makes this Amateur Radio “open house” special. More than 40,000 people annually in the U.S. and Canada carry on the work of early Ham Radio pioneers by participating in an event that brings young and old together for useful demonstrations, experimentation, community outreach, friendly competition, and loads of good fellowship and food. Every year when we trudge out into the field and set up a 30-foot tower with a tri-bander to maintain continuous 24-hour operation, it reminds us of the long tradition of Ham Radio, and all the folks who built the foundation for this amazing and important hobby.
For everything you need to know about contesting, safety, and helpful advice about making Field Day a memorable event for you or your Amateur Radio club, click here to view ARRL’s Field Day page with links.
Don’t forget to visit DXEngineering.com for all your Field Day needs, including coaxial cable, tool kits, wire antenna kits, and triplexer filter combination packages. Also, equip your crew with ARRL Field Day mugs, ball caps, log books, and patches available from DX Engineering.