Post Tagged with: "Portable Operation"

man sitting at an outdoor portable ham station
Events / Ham Culture & Entertainment

Portable Ham Radio Insights: Making the Transition from POTA Hunter to Activator

I’ve been interested in portable operating for years. I enjoy putting a station on the air where one didn’t exist yesterday. Since a trip to Bouvet Island isn’t in my […]

a portable ham radio kit with logbook
Ham Culture & Entertainment

Did Parks on the Air (POTA) Save Ham Radio?

Several months ago I saw a non-ham friend at the park. During our chat, he happened to look at the call sign license plate on my SUV. “Ham radio? Are […]

trans world antenna set up in a small back yard

Ham Radio Q&A: How do I choose the right antenna to put up in my antenna-restricted HOA?

What do you do if you’re an amateur radio enthusiast who wants to get full enjoyment out of your favorite hobby without drawing the attention of your homeowner’s association or […]

portable ham radio station built into a cooler
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tech: Inexpensive Project Enclosures

No matter what kind of operating you do, sooner or later you’ll need a “gadget” that isn’t readily available commercially. Maybe you’ll need a special switch or an interface between […]

a small portable ham radio transceiver on a picnic table
DC Power

Ham Radio Tech: Choosing a Battery System for Portable Operations

Most new hams start with an HT (handie-talkie) radio. They’re very affordable, portable, and will get you on the air quickly. No one has to think about batteries and chargers—they’re […]

ham radio operator at a station under a tent
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tech: RF Safety—In the Field

This is the second installment of a two-part article about RF when you are operating “in the field,” meaning away from a fixed station. For example, when you are operating […]

portable ham radio antenna set up over mountain range
Antenna Tech

Ham Radio Tech: Choosing a Portable Vertical Antenna that Matches Your Needs

Whether you’re a seasoned ham or buying your first antenna, choosing the right one is more about how you operate as an individual and less about the antenna’s capabilities. In […]

woman tuning a portable ham radio station at park bench
Field Day

What Transceivers Did You Use During Field Day 2024?

There is no shortage of thoughts on what’s the ideal rig for making more QSOs when operating away from the home station, especially with the soaring popularity of POTA, SOTA, […]

Ocean Beach Scene with Seaweed
Technical Articles

The Saltwater Amplifier Effect (& How it Impacts Your Amateur Radio Station Performance)

For Guglielmo Marconi, the great challenge was to transmit wireless signals across the Atlantic and to all the ships at sea. He built stations at Poldhu, England; Glace Bay, Nova […]

Samlex Solar Portable and Foldable Solar Battery Charging Kit sxa-18161_sn_xl
Technical Articles

Backup Power for Home & Field

Power. It is one of the most important aspects of running an operation. But what if you don’t have access to AC power or a storm knocks out all power […]