Post Tagged with: "InnovAntennas"

a pair of stereo headphones
Products & Product Reviews

New Products Spotlight: Antenna Tuners, Wireless Noise-Canceling Headphones, and More at DX Engineering (Video)

It’s hard to keep up with all the new amateur radio gear you’ll find at DX Engineering! The latest products from leading manufacturers are being added weekly to the 30,000-plus […]

InnovAntennas LFA-WOS 6 Meter 7 Element Yagi
Product Reviews

New Products Spotlight Video: Chameleon Remote Antenna Tuner, RigExpert Power Supply, and More

One of the great things about ham radio is the amazing variety of items that can be purchased to add more enjoyment to the world’s best hobby. Case in point: […]

InnovAntennas LFA3-HG 50 MHz 5-Element Yagi
Product Reviews

New Product Spotlight: InnovAntennas Adds to Its Lineup of Amateur Radio Antennas Available at DX Engineering

When cool weather approaches, you may begin to ponder the most efficient way to upgrade your existing antennas or add to your current capabilities. And when it comes to amateur […]