Post Tagged with: "Grounding"

inside a small communications station
Technical Articles / Weatherproofing and Grounding

Ham Radio Tech: RF Management & RF Ground Planes

Sooner or later, hams encounter some RF trickery above and beyond the usual connecting together of gadgets and antennas. This usually happens on the HF bands as a home station […]

rear view of a portable ham radio station on a tabletop
Technical Articles / Uncategorized

Ham Radio Tech: RF Management–In the Field

This is the first of a two-part article about RF when you are operating “in the field,” meaning away from a fixed station. For example, when you are operating a […]

dx engineering radial plate with radial wire installed
Antenna Tech

Ham Radio Tech: RF Ground—The Un-Ground

When it comes to ham radio, there are grounds…and then there are grounds. Here are three types we typically find with radio systems: Safety grounds protect you from a shock […]