Post Tagged with: "Field Day"

woman wearing a headset microphone
Field Day / Products & Product Reviews

Gearing Up for ARRL Field Day 2022 Part 2: Upgrade Your Listening and Transmitting Experience

Last week in our series on getting ready for ARRL Field Day 2022, we began with an upgrade that won’t likely set anyone’s heart aflutter (replacing old coaxial cable), but […]

DX Engineering Coaxial Cable
Products & Product Reviews

Gearing Up for ARRL Field Day 2022 (Part 1): Upgrade Your Coaxial Cable

If you’re like the active hams at DX Engineering, you’ve likely had the weekend of June 25-26 circled in bright red on your calendar for some time now. If you […]

ham radio operator working at a field day station

Get Ready for ARRL Field Day 2022, June 25-26!

Field Day 2022 is coming up fast, and hams throughout the U.S. and Canada are clearing their calendars from June 25-26 to make sure they get to participate. After two […]

vintage photograph of a man at a ham radio station

My First Field Day

I wasn’t even a licensed ham when I attended my first Field Day in June 1969. That’s because I was still eagerly awaiting my Novice license to arrive from the […]

a multi-tower ham radio antenna array
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Setting Up Multiple Antennas? 4 Tips on Avoiding Interference

Whether you’re operating at Field Day or a multi/multi contest station, one of the biggest problems is too many stations in a small area. So how do you control interference […]

Ham Radio station portable go-kit

Field Day’s Approaching—What’s in Your Go-Kit?

For many civic-minded individuals, Ham Radio is more than a hobby. It is a means of providing vital communication when disaster strikes. When all else fails, communities in crisis can […]

ARRL Field Day 2019 Logo

Field Day 101: How Your Club Can Achieve Field Day Success

Field Day (FD) has a number of different meanings to the Ham Radio community. For the purposes of this article, we will skip whether you think it is a contest […]

America Flag flying over a park pavilion
Events / Field Day / Technical Articles

Field Day Safety Checklist: 10 Safety Tips for Successful Field Day

While Field Day offers lots of opportunities for fun, there are many hazards as well. It’s why the ARRL encourages clubs to appoint a safety officer and assistants who are […]

ham radio operators working during a field day
Events / Field Day / Technical Articles

4 Tips for Operating a GOTA (Get On the Air) Station on Field Day

One of the coolest parts of ARRL Field Day is watching a new licensee get on the air for the first time. Many longtime Amateur Radio operators can remember the […]