Search Results for: power supply

a small portable ham radio transceiver on a picnic table
DC Power

Ham Radio Tech: Choosing a Battery System for Portable Operations

Most new hams start with an HT (handie-talkie) radio. They’re very affordable, portable, and will get you on the air quickly. No one has to think about batteries and chargers—they’re […]

rear view of a portable ham radio station on a tabletop
Technical Articles / Uncategorized

Ham Radio Tech: RF Management–In the Field

This is the first of a two-part article about RF when you are operating “in the field,” meaning away from a fixed station. For example, when you are operating a […]

Hi-Z Antennas Manual Directional Control Console MDC-8
Products & Product Reviews

New Product Spotlight: Hi-Z Antennas Manual Directional Control Consoles

When DX Engineering acquired Hi-Z Antennas’ lineup of HF receiving array products in 2022, the company’s research and development team went to work to make sure Hi-Z’s most popular devices […]

Automatic Antenna Tuner and Coupler Package
Products & Product Reviews

New Products Spotlight: mAT-TUNER mAT-50 and 1500PRO Automatic Antenna Tuners (video)

Vibroplex, which first manufactured and sold its signature Morse code “bug” key back in 1904, is the longest continually operating ham radio equipment provider on the planet, but that doesn’t […]

bhi parametric eq for ham radio
Manufacturer Showcases

Manufacturer Spotlight: bhi Limited Noise-Canceling Products (video)

Today’s OnAllBands video shines a bright spotlight on a company that has been helping amateur operators enjoy brighter, more intelligible, and fully customized audio since its founding in 2002. DX […]

DX Engineering High CMI Receive Feedline Choke dxe-rxfc-75_xl
Product Reviews

New Product Spotlight: DX Engineering High CMI Receive Feedline Choke

Premiered at Dayton Hamvention® 2024, the DX Engineering High CMI (Common Mode Impedance) Receive Feedline Choke (DXE-RXFC-75) achieves exceptionally high isolation between the input and output connector shields to effectively block […]

portable field day ham radio station on a folding table
Field Day

Field Day: Things You’ll Need & Wished You’d Brought

Every Field Day setup is different, depending on location, number of people, access to trees, number of stations operating, and more. Chances are you’ve participated before and have a basic […]

A group of people standing behind a banner

DXpedition Wrap-Up: Guyana 8R7X; Temotu Province, H40WA; KP2, Youth Contest DXpedition, St. Thomas

It’s been a busy time for DXpeditions—and a great time to be in the thick of the pileups. The avid DXers at DX Engineering have been right in the thick […]

Icom IC-705 HF/50/144/430 MHz All Mode Portable Transceiver
HAM Radio 101

So, You’re Ready to Buy Your First HF Transceiver. Now What?

Whether you just got your license, or you have been in the hobby for a while, your interests may be leading you to explore the HF bands. For many of […]

QSL Card, Guyana
Photo Galleries

It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from Guyana

Guyana QRV in February There’s still time to make contact with the Guyana 8R7X DXpedition featuring four operators ages 25 and under. Guyana, a country on the northern mainland of […]