Getting the Most from Portable HF Antenna Systems
Portable operating—in parks, on islands, atop summits—has become delightfully popular over the past few years. It’s not hard to figure out why, either. You get to combine visiting new places, […]
Portable operating—in parks, on islands, atop summits—has become delightfully popular over the past few years. It’s not hard to figure out why, either. You get to combine visiting new places, […]
We’re inching closer to the release of the 2023 DX Engineering Amateur Radio Products Catalog. Can you feel the excitement? We thought so. While we’re still a couple of months […]
Since the beginning of radio, people have been interested in hearing faraway signals. When commercial broadcasting began in the early 1920s, radio was the cutting-edge technology of the day, and […]
Editor’s Note: All of us at DX Engineering and OnAllBands—on behalf of amateur operators around the world—express our most sincere thanks to the entire 3Y0J team for making this incredibly […]
For today’s post, we offer a potpourri of new products for hams: a base station manual tuner, fresh amateur radio calendars, and the latest edition of the ARRL Handbook. Comet […]
Yes, it’s a cliché to say, “Wow, that year really flew by,” but it does seem like it was only yesterday we were hanging up our unmarked ham radio calendars […]
There is a lot of interest in baluns these days—that’s good. There is also a lot of confusion about baluns these days—that’s not so good. This article starts by defining […]
I love handy talkies (HTs). Some might call it an addiction. So, let’s talk about them. Since there is way too much information for one blog alone, I’ll be covering […]
In August, OnAllBands announced that DX Engineering was now carrying shortwave radios, weather alert radios, and home emergency products from Eton Corporation—a Palo Alto, California-based company with an exceptional track […]
Many hams I know who are serious 160 and 80 meter operators use Beverage antennas to optimize HF reception. These antennas often make the difference in pulling a weak signal […]