Ham Radio Ops: Feel the Fear
What gives you the heebie-jeebies as a ham radio operator? With Halloween only a few days away, we’re dedicating this post to some scary things that keep us up at […]
What gives you the heebie-jeebies as a ham radio operator? With Halloween only a few days away, we’re dedicating this post to some scary things that keep us up at […]
No matter what kind of operating you do, sooner or later you’ll need a “gadget” that isn’t readily available commercially. Maybe you’ll need a special switch or an interface between […]
This is the first of a two-part article about RF when you are operating “in the field,” meaning away from a fixed station. For example, when you are operating a […]
So you’re building a small dual-band Yagi and the instructions tell you to split the coax at the feedpoint. Stop right there. DX Engineering’s Michael Murphy, KI8R, shows you a […]
When cool weather approaches, you may begin to ponder the most efficient way to upgrade your existing antennas or add to your current capabilities. And when it comes to amateur […]
Here comes Field Day and all of your careful equipment connections and filtering go out the window as the station is disassembled and hauled off to the operating site. Be […]
After months of preparation, countless volunteer hours, and anticipation by thousands of hams who have had the dates circled in red for months, the wait is almost over! The gates […]
Going mobile? Installing a ham radio station in your vehicle expands the usefulness of amateur radio, making automobiles ham shacks on wheels. It’s a convenient way to have instant emergency […]
In this installment of Ham Mobile Install, we will talk about what happens when you have followed the mobile radio installation instructions to the letter, but there is still something […]
After a windswept stay in January, the 16-operator TX5S team left the French overseas state private property of Clipperton Island (IOTA NA-011) with an impressive 113,738 QSOs in their logbook […]