A Very Happy Birthday to James Clerk Maxwell!
!James Clerk Maxwell was a Scottish physicist born on June 13, 1831. He is best known for formulating the theory of electromagnetic radiation that he published in his Dynamical Theory […]
!James Clerk Maxwell was a Scottish physicist born on June 13, 1831. He is best known for formulating the theory of electromagnetic radiation that he published in his Dynamical Theory […]
I enjoy sharing my experiences and projects by writing articles for several different amateur radio periodicals. All of the pictures used for my articles recently have been taken with my […]
With ARRL 2021 Field Day (June 26-27) only a few weeks away, it’s still not to0 late to make sure you’re fully prepared for a weekend of honing your portable […]
I started out in Amateur Radio 40 years ago this summer, and I have participated in Field Day, in one way or another, every year. My experiences have been many […]
OnAllBands blogger, noted ham radio author, and member of the CQ Contest Hall of Fame, Ward Silver, N0AX, takes a close look at the DX Engineering RXSHARE—an innovative device that […]
More pleasant weather can only mean one thing for hams in June: Field Day (June 26-27)! Let’s hope Mother Nature is in a generous mood as we set up our […]
If you need to remove oxides before joining or mounting something to a copper mounting plate, like a Radio RF Ground Plane Kit, GBWM-W Copper Ground Bus Wall Mount, or […]
Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details […]
When I started out in Amateur Radio 40 years ago this summer, there were basically three ways to exchange a written confirmation of a contact (a QSL card): Mail your […]
Whether you’re a new ham just starting out on the VHF/UHF bands, an EMCOMM specialist, or a longtime mobile radio owner who likes to stay in contact on the road, […]