by Kim Klimas × on February 16, 2022 at 10:37 pm ×
There’s more to February than heart-shaped candies and high-cholesterol treats. It’s also the birth month of Welsh electrical engineer and inventor Sir William Henry Preece, who was born on February […]
Products & Product Reviews
Like anything else worth doing right, operating a successful amateur radio station requires having the right tools for the right job—and knowing how to use them. This is particularly true […]
HAM Radio 101
Many systems have various types of leadership structures. EMCOMM is no different. For this purpose we shall focus on two types: the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) Field structure, as […]
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles
Editor’s Note: Over the next several months, OnAllBands will be featuring a series of articles from Harry “Trippy” Brown, AC8S, longtime amateur operator and antenna builder/tester who’s never let his […]
EMCOMM / Technical Articles
The ability to work together doesn’t always work well inside of an agency or an organization. So, when asking organizations or agencies to work and communicate together, chaos can ensue. […]
Frozen and foreboding Bouvet Island, the most remote spot in the world, remains an elusive quarry for legions of DX hunters who well understand the logistical nightmare of operating from […]
Products & Product Reviews
In its constant pursuit to find the best ham radio products from around the world and make them available to operators in North America, DX Engineering is thrilled to announce […]
Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details […]
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles
Editor’s Note: Over the next several months, OnAllBands will be featuring a series of articles from Harry “Trippy” Brown, AC8S, longtime amateur operator and antenna builder/tester who’s never let his […]
Products & Product Reviews
Violinists have the Stradivarius. Car enthusiasts have the Bugatti. Actors and literature lovers have Shakespeare. And ham radio operators have OptiBeam—a company known for its finely crafted, high-performance HF and […]