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A ham radio operator using a DX Engineering antenna gripper
Amateur Radio News

You’ll Find DX Engineering Just About Everywhere—Shrinking the Globe

One of the cool things about DX Engineering is the company’s reach around the globe. While based in the U.S., friends of the Ohio-headquartered business can be found just about […]

A coaxial cable stripping tool
Products & Product Reviews

Product Spotlight: New Mobile Antennas, Tools, Textbooks, and Speakers

For today’s blog post, we’ve cooked up a veritable smorgasbord of recent additions to DX Engineering’s growing catalog of amateur radio gear. Hungry for improved performance and easier shack maintenance? […]

ham radio FT8 software screen shot
FT8 / Technical Articles

FT8: What is JTAlert Software and How Can it Help with FT8 Mode?

So you’re getting the hang of this FT8 thing. You have almost all of the states and are just a few countries away from DXCC. You are learning these callsigns […]

Icom IC-705 ham radio transceiver
Technical Articles

A Change of Scenery: Portable Operating for Every Ham

The convenience of having a ham station at home is tough to beat. Being able to work stations at any time of day or night, without worrying about the cold […]

a three way video conference call screen shot

DX Engineering Sponsors Rare Activation of Kiska Island, July 25-31!

While the United States ranks at the very bottom of the DXCC Most-Wanted List, there are still locales in North America, particularly as you near the far reaches of the […]

HAM Radio 101

Hams You Should Know: Remembering Ethel Smith, K4LMB (SK)

Wireless women in amateur radio have been turning heads and sending quick dit-dit-dots since as early as 1910 with a wicked-smart list of achievements snugged up under their collective belt. […]

Vintage advertisement for vibroplex radio code keyer
Amateur Radio News

Vibroplex Original Bug Keys and a Visit to a Splendid Museum in Rural Ohio

You just never know when an important piece of communications history will show up to brighten your afternoon. Such was the case when my wife, father-in-law, and I recently visited […]

zoologist holding a bat
Photo Galleries

It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from Rodrigues Island

Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details […]

Amateur Radio News

Spurious Emissions

No, not THAT kind! Sendin’ code againJust can’t wait to be sendin’ code againThe life I love is runnin’ pileups with my friendsAnd I can’t wait to be sendin’ code […]

collage of ham radio operators
HAM Radio 101

Hams with Disabilities Gain Valuable Tools with the Courage Kenny Handiham Program

There are heaps of skills gained during the pursuit of an amateur radio license—and not only the technical kind. Sure, up-and-coming hams learn how to operate a radio, but it’s […]