Field Day 2022 Wrap-Up
How did Field Day go for you and your club this year? Many hams who participated will tell you that while propagation wasn’t ideal and the number of QSOs logged […]
How did Field Day go for you and your club this year? Many hams who participated will tell you that while propagation wasn’t ideal and the number of QSOs logged […]
Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu. Numbers are mostly pronounced […]
FT8 can be its own art form. I know many think differently, and that is okay. Anything worth doing is going to have both supporters and naysayers. To each their […]
Take a moment to remember Owen, W5LFL while participating in the upcoming Perseid Meteor Shower and ARRL EME events. If shooting for the stars is the ultimate goal, astronaut Owen […]
While the intense sun has produced its share of record-high temperatures this summer, amateur radio operators have been eagerly following the life-sustaining G-type main-sequence star at the center of our […]
We hope your shack is well-equipped with reliable AC as the weather heats up and Contesting Season looms on the horizon. August offers plenty of opportunities to warm up your […]
Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details […]
DX Engineering has acquired Hi-Z Antennas’ full lineup of HF directive receiving array products for amateur radio operators, ensuring that the company’s devices will continue to be available to hams […]
If you have ever stood at the base of a tower, looking forlornly upward, wondering “What’s WRONG with that [adjective] rotator?!” you are not alone. That simple piece of gear […]
“End-fed” antennas, in particular the “End-Fed Half-Wave” (EFHW), are all the rage these days, particularly for portable operation. Throw a string over a tree branch, haul up one end, connect […]