CW Activating 101: Managing Partial Calls
I recently received a question from Richard, who asked: “Is it rude to always [add] a ‘?’ with a partial call? And how do you do partials with everyone jumping […]
I recently received a question from Richard, who asked: “Is it rude to always [add] a ‘?’ with a partial call? And how do you do partials with everyone jumping […]
The Akron area is filled with wonderful ways to spend your day—hiking in one of Summit County’s exceptional parks; taking in the fine collection at the Akron Art Museum (Chuck […]
It’s true that food is an integral part of many Field Day weekends, allowing operators to maintain their strength during long operating sessions. But since five-bean salads and nachos aren’t […]
If you’ve ever lusted after a leg lamp or shouted, “You’ll shoot your eye out” to a bb-gun clad kid on Christmas morning, odds are you’re already familiar with ham […]
In previous articles we’ve discussed the point of the exercise as well as the basic rules. This post is about my favorite topic…Bonus Points! I belong to an amateur radio […]
Beautiful spring Ohio weather greeted hams from around the world who filled buildings at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center in Xenia on Friday, May 19 to kick off […]
Antennas are such a critical part of Field Day (June 24-25) that we’re devoting another part of this series to highlighting some of the best options available at Since […]
So simple, it just works…and it’s a fun way to teach basic soldering, antenna-building, and antenna theory to new hams. I used to love going to visit my great-grandmother. She […]
If you’ve been counting down the weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds until Dayton Hamvention 2023 (for impatient types, a rolling clock is available on the event’s official website), then […]