Ham Radio and Morse Code in Popular Culture (Part 3)
For Part 3 in our series on ham radio and Morse code in movies, television, and music, we travel back in the time machine to the 1960s for a show […]
For Part 3 in our series on ham radio and Morse code in movies, television, and music, we travel back in the time machine to the 1960s for a show […]
It has been a busy time for DXpeditions—and DX Engineering has been right in the thick of it all as a major equipment sponsor. In addition to providing gear for […]
450…where have I heard that number before? Seems familiar…Oh, right…450Ω window line! Yes, that’s the nominal characteristic impedance of the black plastic-coated parallel conductor transmission line like DX Engineering’s DXE-LL450-CTL. […]
The much-anticipated 2023 W8S Swains Island DXpedition, scheduled to begin October 4 and run for about two weeks, is just around the corner. Ten operators from Germany, the Netherlands, and […]
Motto: “What do you expect to find there? Well, if I knew, I wouldn’t go there!” Jean Jacques Cousteau On October 4, 2023, a group of 10 ham operators from […]
There are numerous exciting and challenging DXing opportunities on the horizon—and for many avid DXCC chasers, nothing presents a greater challenge than making contact on 160 meters. DX Engineering is […]
The dipole is the oldest antenna—Herr Professor Heinrich Hertz used a dipole in his 1888 experiments that confirmed Maxwell’s predictions of electromagnetic waves. The dipole (the word means “two voltage […]
The researchers at HamSCI (Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation) know how to throw one massive party—so big, in fact, that even the sun and moon got invitations. The organization’s upcoming […]
It has been a busy time for DXpeditions—and DX Engineering has been right in the thick of it all as a major equipment sponsor. In addition to providing gear for […]
Here’s an excellent chance to put Samoa in your logbook this fall. The 5W0LM DXpedition by 9A7Y, 9A2NA, S50B, and 9A3MR is scheduled to run from October 1-14. The 5W0LM […]