Amateur Radio News
It takes a village to raise a radio station, so the saying goes. Or rather, it takes a community of supporters who understand the life-changing impact ham radio can have […]
Products & Product Reviews
The six-operator H44WA team is preparing to activate the Solomon Islands November 15-29, 2023. They will be operating three stations on 160-10M in CW, SSB, and FT8 from Guadalcanal—the largest […]
Products & Product Reviews
If you have a loved one or friend who is a ham like you, you already know how difficult it can be to find the perfect holiday gift. After all, […]
Products & Product Reviews
Looking for easy-to-use ham radio software that gives you full command of your transceiver from your computer screen, lets you monitor amateur radio satellites, makes logging and tracking your QSOs […]
Amateur Radio News
DX Engineering has announced that it has acquired the full line of amateur radio products from KD9SV—a company that has been producing breakthrough, performance-enhancing devices for low-band reception since 1987. […]
As we enter this season of giving thanks, all of us at OnAllBands and DX Engineering would like to offer our most sincere gratitude to those who continue to make […]
HAM Radio 101
You can hear all sorts of cool things on World Radio (shortwave). Although there are fewer shortwave broadcasters than in the past, more are returning to the airwaves due to […]
HAM Radio 101
For the Halloween edition of OnAllBands’ look at Morse code and amateur radio in books, movies, and television, we turn our attention to some eerie pop culture references from sources […]
Events / Photo Galleries
November 2023 promises to be a busy month for DXpeditions, including the upcoming DX Engineering-sponsored activations of Timor-Leste and Solomon Islands featured in this OnAllBands article. For today’s QSL card […]
HAM Radio 101
We know that amateur radio is the greatest hobby in the world—it has something for everyone. But what about the average Joe or Jane who doesn’t know what ham radio […]