Pearl Harbor: A Catalyst to War One hour and fifteen minutes. That’s how long it took for Japanese forces to bomb Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, with devastating results. […]
Products & Product Reviews
DX Engineering’s growing lineup of comfortable, high-quality clothing gets bigger and better every year. That’s excellent news if you still haven’t decided on the perfect gifts for the ham radio […]
As we bid farewell to another year, it’s a good time to reflect on ways we can improve our ham radio capabilities or maybe even add another pursuit, such as […]
Suriname QRV in December There’s a small window of opportunity to put Suriname in your logbook before bidding farewell to 2023. The PZ5NH DXpedition by Nobu, JA0JHQ, is scheduled to […]
Technical Articles
I have previously written about ham radio software for the Mac and a companion piece about applications for iOS on the iPhone and iPad. My greatest struggle was always Winlink. […]
HAM Radio 101
A Chicago native born on May 29, 1906, Marshall D. Moran, 9N1MM, was a Jesuit priest who served as part of the Missouri Province of the Society of Jesus. His […]
Amateur Radio News
DX Engineering is pleased to announce that it is now carrying exceptional-quality, high-performance, and contest-proven HF band pass filters, diplexers, and triplexers by Pavel, VA6AM. VA6AM’s products have been relied […]
Products & Product Reviews
Headsets, Headset/Footswitch Packages, Headphones, Microphones, Speakers, and Audio Enhancement Devices Nothing beats the dulcet sounds of the gift-giving season, whether it’s the tinkle of jingle bells, a chorus of piccolos […]
Technical Articles
Beginning in early fall, weekends start to fill up with “the majors”—contests that attract thousands of stations which fill the bands with strong signals. November and December are the most […]
Products & Product Reviews
While ham radio equipment remains the bread and butter of DX Engineering, you’ll find many other items at sure to please the amateur radio enthusiasts on your holiday shopping […]