It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from Juan Fernandez Islands
Juan Fernandez Islands QRV in February Juan Fernandez Islands, the 58th most-wanted DXCC entity as of January per Clublog, is bound to take a precipitous fall from this ranking thanks […]
Juan Fernandez Islands QRV in February Juan Fernandez Islands, the 58th most-wanted DXCC entity as of January per Clublog, is bound to take a precipitous fall from this ranking thanks […]
FT8 has taken over ham radio by storm in recent years, especially in the digital mode category. Just look at any spotting site, like DX Summit, and you’ll see an […]
In just two weeks (February 17-18) one of the biggest CW contests in the world will fill the bands from 160–10 meters (except for 60, 30, 17, and 12 meters, […]
As we’ve done the last couple of years on OnAllBands, we’re devoting our February contest guide to ham radio couples who may have found their perfect match while building a […]
If you’re a “been there, done that” kind of ham who has bounced a radio signal off everything from the moon to a meteor to the Aurora Borealis, we bet […]
OnAllBands is rounding out our QSL card posts for the month with a brief look at several entities that will be active in February, along with QSL cards from the […]
Most people know about the AUXCOMM course from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). For those who do not, here is a quick rundown from my previous AUXCOMM article: The […]
Plus, OnAllBands does a quick wrap-up of DX Engineering-sponsored Swains Island W8S, Solomon Islands H44WA, and Timor-Leste 4W8X The busy 2023 DXpedition year came to a productive close in December […]
We’ve included a little bit of this and a little bit of that in today’s post—all practical items you’ll be proud to own. These new products available at are […]
Yesterday, a heavy rainstorm caused some high SWR readings to appear on my station’s power meter. I thought things would return to normal after the storm passed, which they eventually […]