Ham Radio Tech: EchoLink & Broadcastify
So where else can radio be handy? In what ways has technology helped us expand our love for radio? There are quite a few ways amateur radio can be mixed […]
So where else can radio be handy? In what ways has technology helped us expand our love for radio? There are quite a few ways amateur radio can be mixed […]
You are just wrapping up the installation of your new antenna on your tower. You slip a bolt through the clamp and begin to tighten the nut when, suddenly, the […]
Say you need an 18-foot run of low-loss coaxial cable to replace an old, worn-out stretch that is negatively affecting your station’s performance. You want the cable to have type-N […]
In the field, you want a portable ham radio antenna that’s simple to set up and dismantle while providing good performance. Many hams opt for vertical antennas featuring base-loaded whips. […]
Based in Quebec, VE2DX Electronics was founded by longtime amateur radio operator Richard Desaulniers, Sr., VE2DX, with the purpose of creating innovative and useful electronics products for the ham radio […]
Who has used PSK31? More accurately, who has used it lately? And I don’t mean for any contests dedicated solely to PSK31, but as an actual mode of communication. What […]
Leading up to the release of the 2024 DX Engineering Amateur Radio Products Catalog in a few months, OnAllBands will be featuring some of the new products you’ll find inside […]
Announced during Dayton HamventionÒ 2023, Kenwood’s latest venture into the HT realm, the TH-D75A, drew a lot of attention from excited hams, many of whom have spent the last several […]
On February 17, the Trident Amateur Radio Club will be operating from special event station N4HLH at Fort Moultrie on Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina to commemorate the 1864 historic sinking […]
The eldest of 31st President Herbert Hoover’s two sons, Herbert Charles Hoover, W6ZH, better known as Herbert Hoover Jr., shared more than just a common name with his highly influential father. […]