Word of the Day: DXpedition
If you’ve just earned your Amateur Radio license, you’ve probably heard the word “DXpedition” tossed around a few times. For many, it’s a word that represents one of the most […]
If you’ve just earned your Amateur Radio license, you’ve probably heard the word “DXpedition” tossed around a few times. For many, it’s a word that represents one of the most […]
An alphanumeric geographical coordinate system, based on the Maidenhead Locator System developed by VHF enthusiasts in 1980, in which the entire globe is divided into equal-sized rectangles which are denoted […]
All-in-one electronic test equipment that measures current, voltage and resistance in a circuit. This handy device is useful for locating faulty wiring, and testing electrical components, power supplies and system […]
Amateur Radios are a lot like automobiles. You can buy stripped-down basic models at lower cost or splurge on full-featured models with all the bells and whistles. And, just like […]
The gray line, or daylight/darkness terminator, is a constantly moving circle around the earth where a daylight/darkness transition is taking place. When this circle is over your QTH, potentially enhanced […]
Say the word “Elmer” to a non-Ham and two thoughts spring to mind: glue for elementary craft projects and a bald-headed rabbit hunter who has trouble pronouncing his Rs (see […]
In other OnAllBand entries, we’ve covered what ferrites are, how their behavior varies with frequency, and some of their applications in the ham station. This time, we’ll focus on their […]
In contesting, a graphical, real-time display of stations arranged by frequency presented by most popular contest logging software. The map is either populated by telnet/packet spots from clusters and skimmers, […]
Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details about […]
Invented in 1926 by Shintaro Uda and Hidetsugu Yagi of Japan, the Yagi-Uda, most often shortened to “Yagi,” refers to a type of directional antenna with a single driven element […]