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State and Regional QSO Parties Book
HAM Radio 101

What is a “State QSO Party?” (Word of the Day)

Pronounced “Q S O party,” a State QSO Party refers to a contest where you try to work as many stations as possible in a specific state or group of […]

ARRL Field Day 2019 Logo
Technical Articles

Field Day Tips: How to Fine-Tune Your EMCOMM Skills During Field Day

Since the 1930s, Field Day has been an event to test the field preparedness and emergency communications (EMCOMM) abilities of the Amateur Radio community. Over the years, it has turned […]

dx engineering ham radio loop antenna
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: What is a “Receive Antenna?”

Generally refers to an antenna that is used for receive purposes only – e.g., not the same as the transmitting antenna. These include specialized antennas, such as loops, short verticals, […]

a picture of the planet earth
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: Great Circle

The bearing between two points on the globe which minimizes the physical distance is known as a great circle bearing. Thus the great circle bearing for working, say, India from […]

Ham Radio QSL Card from Mount Athos
HAM Radio 101 / Uncategorized

Word of the Day: ATNO

ATNO stands for All Time New One. For DXers, it means making contact with a DXCC entity for the first time—often after years of near misses, poor propagation, and pileups […]

a man outside holding portable antenna
Satellite Operation / Technical Articles

Satellite Basics (Part 1): Guide to Ham Radio Satellite Operating

One of the great things about Ham Radio is the endless ways you can enjoy the hobby. If you feel your Ham Radio enjoyment needs a shake-up, or you’re new […]

two men at a ham radio station
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: What is a “Pilot Station” in Amateur Radio?

Pilot stations are members of a DXpedition who operate from populated areas and are in regular contact with the DXpedition. Their job is to report on how things are going […]

ethics and operating procedures marquee image
HAM Radio 101

HAM Radio 101: Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio Amateur

Being a Ham Radio operator comes with big responsibilities. If we are to reap the vast rewards of the hobby we share, adhering to a code of on-air conduct is […]

DX Engineering antenna clamp
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: Genius Clamp

From time to time, this column will focus on a product unique to Ham Radio. Today, we’re devoting our Word of the Day to the Genius Clamp, a product of […]

Hustler antenna capacity hat
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

How to Improve the Efficiency and Gain of Your Single-Band Mobile Antenna

Back in the day, folks used to say that you’re never fully dressed without a hat. In the Ham world, DX Engineering Hot Rodz® Adjustable Antenna Capacity Hats for select […]