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a small ham radio, headphones, and laptop
HAM Radio 101

What is a Multiplier, or Mult, in Ham Radio Contesting?

Most, but not all, contests compute the final score as the product of QSO points and a tally of zones, countries, prefixes or other unique characteristics. Since they impact the […]

mobile vertical ham radio antenna and base
Technical Articles

Guide to Choosing the Right Mobile VHF/UHF Antennas and Mounts

You’ve got a mobile radio and separation kit. You’re ready to begin installation. Now comes the most important question—where do I mount the antenna? Sometimes I think it’s a conspiracy […]

AMSAT 50 year anniversary logo
HAM Radio 101

AMSAT Overview (Word of the Day)

Based in Maryland, AMSAT (North America), the Amateur Radio Satellite Corp., is a volunteer organization that is celebrating 50 years of designing, building, launching, and commanding Amateur Radio satellites. It […]

Large parabolic dish antenna
HAM Radio 101

What is “Moonbounce?”

Moonbounce, also known as Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) communication, is a popular technique used by Amateur Radio enthusiasts to communicate over great distances primarily using the 2M, 70cm, and 23cm bands—most commonly […]

ham radio base station transceiver
HAM Radio 101

What is Split Operation in Ham Radio?

Split means transmitting on one frequency and listening on another. This helps everyone hear the DX station better so they can time their calls, follow instructions, and not create unnecessary […]

large scenic mountain forest overlook

Parks on the Air (POTA) Puts Amateur Radio Portable Operation in the Spotlight

While Field Day lets us exercise our emergency communication muscles for a weekend in June, there’s an ongoing program that puts EMCOMM and the splendor of nature front and center […]

4L4FN Ham Radio QSL Card from North Korea
HAM Radio 101

Why is North Korea a Coveted DXCC Entity?

There are many reasons why certain DXCC entities are harder than others to record in our log books. Some are environmentally protected areas. Governing bodies rarely grant permission to operate […]

large yagi antenna in the sky
Products & Product Reviews

Building a Yagi Antenna? Consider Choosing an Insulated Boom-to-Element Bracket

Details matter when building a Yagi antenna that delivers the gain and directionality you want in a lightweight package. Skimp on the components and the results may be less than […]

antenna resonance illustration
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day (Reflector): What is Reflector on an Antenna?

When referring to an antenna, or specifically, a Yagi or quad antenna, the reflector is the parasitic (e.g., not fed with coax) element of the antenna that lies behind (opposite […]

free Canadian shipping logo
Amateur Radio News

DX Engineering Now Offers Canadian Customers Free Shipping on Orders Over $299.00

Ham radio enthusiasts north of the border can now get amateur radio gear for less thanks to a new, limited-time free shipping deal from DX Engineering. The company has announced […]