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brackets mounted onto a radio antenna tower
Products & Product Reviews

Guide to Tower Accessories That Make Working with Amateur Radio Towers Easier

Every longtime Ham operator has a “tall” tale to tell about the difficulties of working with an antenna tower. There are enough stories of mast slippage during maintenance and hard-to-install […]

Nasa photo of the Northern Lights
HAM Radio 101

What is “Flutter?” (Word of the Day)

A propagation phenomenon that is characterized by very rapid QSB (fading signal strength), often accompanied by Doppler shift in frequency, which can produce a warbling tone on CW. Signals displaying […]

ham radio antenna rotator
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: What is a “Rotator?”

A rotator—often incorrectly referred to as a “rotor”—is an essential piece of equipment for positioning a directional antenna. Mounted on the antenna mast, the rotator is moved by a controller […]

a dipole antenna mounted to the back of a truck
Technical Articles

DXing on the VHF+ bands: Classic Skills on New Frontiers

Most Hams associate the term “DX” with the HF bands. It’s understandable. After all, as conventional wisdom states, the HF bands allow international, global communication, while the VHF bands are […]

ham radio operator in a tiny station on Scarborough Reef
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: Scarborough Reef

From time to time, our Word of the Day column will focus on an unusual or rare DXCC entity. Scarborough Reef is both. In 1996, Scarborough Reef(Huangyan Island), located in […]

Summit on the Air Ham Radio Certificate award
HAM Radio 101

Summits on the Air (SOTA) Overview

The fun of Ham Radio reaches new heights with Summits on the Air (SOTA), a program that encourages Amateur Radio enthusiasts to operate from atop the world’s hills and peaks. […]

Oj0J Ham Radio QSL Card from Market Reef
Events / Photo Galleries

It’s All in the Cards! Market Reef Celebrates 50 Years

Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details about […]

ARRL Amateur Radio Logo
HAM Radio 101

ARRL (American Radio Relay League) Overview

ARRL stands for the American Radio Relay League, the largest membership association of Amateur Radio enthusiasts in the U.S. When you become a member, you’re supporting a non-profit organization that […]

a close up of hairpin matching system on yagi antenna
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Building a Yagi Antenna? Why You Should Consider a Hairpin Matching System

For Yagi antenna do-it-yourselfers, one of the most important and problematic steps in the building process is deciding on the best method of matching the feedpoint of a low-impedance Yagi […]

an elaborate home ham radio shack
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: Why Do Hams Call it a “Shack?”

Many of us bought our first computers at Radio Shack in the late 70s, danced to the B-52’s “Love Shack” in the late 80s, and watched Shaq O’Neal dominate opponents […]