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F6CTL Ham Radio QSL Card from French Polynesia
Amateur Radio News / Photo Galleries

It’s All in the Cards: QSL Cards from French Polynesia

Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details about […]

HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day:

Today’s Word of the Day is an email address you’re going to want to commit to memory: That’s DX Engineering’s new, easy-to-remember email hotline if you want to get […]

a compact mobile ham radio transceiver
Technical Articles

What To Look For in Your First Mobile Rig

After getting a license, there are so many things to learn! One of the biggest (and the most fun) is what you learn as you choose your radio. This article […]

a dx engineering NVIS wire antenna kit
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day (NVIS): What Does “NVIS” Stand For?

NVIS stands for Near Vertical Incidence Skywave, an ionospheric operating technique that has been used for decades in military and in-state disaster communications. NVIS antennas can be quickly and easily […]

DX Engineering tubing deburring tool
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: Deburring–and Why It’s Important!

Any Ham Radio do-it-yourselfer who has suffered a painful cut while working with machined metal or plastic tubing knows the importance of today’s Word of the Day—Deburring. Taking the time […]

a large ham radio repeater antenna tower
Technical Articles

What is a Repeater and How Do You Use One to Communicate?

Want to get the best possible coverage in a marginal location, like inside a building or down in a valley? A repeater system can rebroadcast your transmitted and received signals […]

Cycle 24 sunspot cycle graph
HAM Radio 101

The Sunspot Cycle and How it Affects Ham Radio

There are many factors that can affect our enjoyment of Ham Radio. Some annoyances may be only a few feet away, such as an electric lamp or computer causing RF […]

Ham Radio Silent Key artwork
HAM Radio 101

What Does SK Mean in Ham Radio?

In Ham Radio, SK has a dual meaning. When you see it placed after a callsign, SK stands for “silent key,” signifying the operator is deceased. SK is also a […]

DX Engineering hamfest banner ad, 2019

DX Engineering Announces DXE Hamfest with Free Flea Market, August 10, 2019

DX Engineering will be holding its first “DXE Hamfest” on Saturday, August 10, featuring a free flea market, giveaways, special discounts, a Go-Kit contest, and satellite operation demonstrations. The event […]

a photo collage of young ham radio operators
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: YOTA (Youngsters on the Air)

The world is different from the time many of us got hooked on Ham Radio. Skyping was something we saw on the Jetsons, and our worldwide web existed between the […]