Events / Photo Galleries
Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details about […]
HAM Radio 101
An operating technique where one asks over the air for a station that is a multiplier (e.g., a new country, state or section) to move (QSY) to a different band […]
HAM Radio 101
Here are a few pieces of advice on repeater etiquette that bear repeating from John Devoldere, ON4UN, and Mark Demeuleneere, ON4WW, who wrote “Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio […]
HAM Radio 101
In today’s Word of the Day entry, we tackle QRV—one of early radio’s Q-Signals. These abbreviations beginning with the letter Q were used by operators to save time and simplify […]
Products & Product Reviews
To deburr or not to deburr? Any Ham Radio do-it-yourselfer who has suffered a painful cut while working with machined metal or plastic tubing knows there can only be one […]
HAM Radio 101
If you’re fairly new to Ham Radio and want to get involved in long-distance operating (DXing), before you decide to “work the world,” why not try to “work all states” […]
Technical Articles
Field Day was fun, wasn’t it? Maybe you’re thinking, “I can do that from home!” And so you can—this discussion is about how to have some success with a modest […]
HAM Radio 101
Fox hunting, also known as transmitter hunting, is a fun and challenging part of Amateur Radio that not only gets you out of the shack, but can help you hone […]
HAM Radio 101
Computer code that controls a device. The code is generally resident in a chip, and can be updated using whatever communications protocols are set up for this purpose. Many devices […]
HAM Radio 101
Fixed, automated transmitters which transmit signals (typically CW) continuously to allow operators to check propagation. These transmitters are located around the globe. On HF they are mostly found on bands […]