What is an RST System?
The RST System is a way for Hams to let rag-chewers, CW enthusiasts, and DXers know the quality of signal they are receiving. RST stands for Readability, Signal Strength, and […]
The RST System is a way for Hams to let rag-chewers, CW enthusiasts, and DXers know the quality of signal they are receiving. RST stands for Readability, Signal Strength, and […]
For Amateur Radio enthusiasts interested in HF operation, short wave listening and AM DXing, there are several dedicated receive-only antenna options from which to choose, including the EWE, Flag, Pennant, […]
Today, we look a little closer at how to handle yourself when you’re one of many Hams attempting to make contact with a sought-after station. First, be courteous. Many Hams […]
Imagine that on your daily commute to work, every driver decided to ignore traffic laws and cast aside common courtesies. Pass on the right—why not? Bump a subcompact into a […]
One of the highlights of any Hamfest is the flea market. Why? Because you never know what you’ll find—an old radio or misfit piece of amateur gear to add to […]
Transformers for Impedance Matching One of a transformer’s important functions is impedance transformation. Impedance transformation is just changing the ratio of voltage-to-current in one winding to a different ratio of […]
(Editor’s Note: The following article is from the archives of experimenter, inventor, friend of the Ham Radio community, and founder of Clifton Laboratories, Jack Smith, K8ZOA (SK).) This page presents […]
In our last Word of the Day column, we talked about the details of DX Engineering’s first Hamfest—a free event August 10, 2019, at the Summit Racing Equipment Retail Super […]
Live in Ohio or a neighboring state? Looking for a road trip that will satisfy your Ham Radio and muscle car jones in one fell swoop? Then don’t miss DX […]
In Part 1 of our series on low-powering contesting, we looked at the basic equipment you’ll need. Today, let’s touch on a few tips on competing, contest resources, and opportunities […]