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J28UN Ham Radio QSL Card from Vincent

It’s All in the Cards (Africa): The DX Engineering Team Shares Some of Its Favorite QSLs from Africa

Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. Some of our favorites are displayed on the cover and inside our 2018 Fall/Winter Catalog, along with […]

ham radio operators working during a field day
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day (HAM): What Does HAM Mean in Amateur Radio?

Editor’s Note: CW? SWR? QRM?  Yes, Amateur Radio has its own lingo–and we’ll cover that unique terminology in our daily Word of the Day column. We’re kicking off our Word […]

ham radio operators in a large contesting station

Team Exuberance Excels in First Competition Together

It was an exciting 48 hours at superstation K3LR, as “Team Exuberance” competed in the CQWW WPX, SSB contest March 30-31. The six-member team of young operators from the U.S., […]

collage of young ham radio operators
Amateur Radio News

World’s Top Young Contesters to Visit DX Engineering

  The future of Ham Radio is coming to DX Engineering! Six of the world’s top young contesters, Team Exuberance, will be making a stop at DX Engineering’s headquarters near […]

ZK2AB Ham Radio QSL Card

It’s All in the Cards! From the South Pacific to Africa, the DX Engineering Team Shares Some of Its QSLs.

Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. Some of our favorites are displayed on the cover and inside our 2018 Fall/Winter Catalog, along with […]

an assortment of handheld icom ham radio HTs
Technical Articles

Video Tech: Establishing Hot Spots for Your D-Star Radio

Ken, KA8ODA, is DX Engineering‘s digital mode specialist. In this video, he takes you through the hows and whys of establishing a hot spot in your home. “What a hot […]

VP6d Ducie Island VP6D 2018 ham radio qsl card

The DX Engineering Team Salutes Ducie Island VP6D 2018

The VP6D Ducie Island 2018 QSL cards have arrived! Teri K8MNJ, DX Engineering Hamfest/DXpedition coordinator, worked the VP6D DXpedition on 40, 20, 17, 15 and 12 meters SSB. Here’s the […]

dx engineering Fiberglass antenna tubing
Technical Articles

Tips for Handling Fiberglass Tubing for HAM Radio Applications

Many amateur radio projects use fiberglass tubing and there are some precautions you should take when handling it. When the tubing arrives – before you open the box – be prepared. There […]

Amateur Radio Frequencies and Bands illustration
Technical Articles

Guide to Amateur Radio Frequencies and Bands

Many hams equate frequencies and bands with colloquial usage. Therefore VHF is 2 meters, specifically 144 to 148 MHz, and HF is 160 through 6 meters, just like on our […]

copper strap for grounding electrical equipment
Technical Articles / Weatherproofing and Grounding

Copper Strap vs. Copper Braid in Amateur Radio Grounding

Tinned-copper braid has been around for a long, long time. It’s been used in many grounding applications because of its flexibility and ease of soldering. It’s great for grounding radio […]