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old ham radio cartoon drawing
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: Do You Remember “73 Magazine?”

From October 1960 to September 2003, Hams everywhere were greeted each month with a welcome sight sticking out amongst the bills in their mailboxes. It was 73 Magazine, the brainchild […]

World Scout Jamboree 2019 logo
HAM Radio 101

World Scout Jamboree Overview

DX Engineering was a proud supporter of the NA1WJ 2019 Word Scout Jamboree Amateur Radio operation, July 22 to August 2, hosted by representatives from Canada, Mexico and the U.S. […]

Clifton Labs / Technical Articles

Permeability and Ferrite Material

Since the article was written in 2008, other types of ferrite material have been introduced with different characteristics over the MF and HF frequency ranges.  Type 31 has become popular […]

DX Engineering loop antenna
Products & Product Reviews

Choosing an Active Magnetic Receiving Antenna

Whether you’re a Ham Radio operator, AM DXer, or short-wave listener, active magnetic receiving antennas offer distinct listening advantages over more common antennas—most notably lower-noise reception and the ability to […]

HAM Radio 101

What is a Skew Path?

A propagation phenomenon where the ionosphere does not support direct-line propagation (along a great circle heading) between two stations, but contacts can be made by aiming closer to the equator […]

HAM Radio 101

What is QRN?

What is QRN…and why do so many Ham Radio abbreviations start with Q? Let’s answer the latter first. Original Q Codes (45 abbreviations beginning with the letter Q) were developed […]

circuit boards inside a ham radio
Clifton Labs

Replacing the Memory Backup Battery in a Harris RF-590 Receiver

(Editor’s Note: The following article is from the archives of experimenter, inventor, friend of the Ham Radio community, and founder of Clifton Laboratories, Jack Smith, K8ZOA (SK).) I recently acquired a […]

Technical Articles

Tips for Battery Replacement in Computers, Radios, or Lab Equipment

Due to the lower cost and better performance of non-volatile memory, it is now a common feature of microcontrollers. This reduces the need for batteries to provide backup power to […]

HAM Radio 101

What is an Ethernet Filter?

From time to time our Word of the Day feature will focus on a unique product that benefits our fellow Ham Radio operators. Today, we look at the ISO-PLUS Ethernet […]

ferrite core winding
Technical Articles

How to Protect Wire from Ferrite

Before winding wire, particularly enameled wire, on a bare ferrite core, take steps to protect the wire from the abrasive ferrite’s edges and corners. If the core has an inside […]