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wolfwave module
HAM Radio 101 / Products & Product Reviews

SOTABeams WOLFWAVE–What it Is and How it Can Help You

Today’s Word of the Day comes courtesy of SOTABeams, creator of the breakthrough WOLFWAVE Advanced Audio Processor, now available from DX Engineering. Connect the WOLFWAVE to your headphones or speaker […]

Pitcairn Island VP6R DXpedition logo
Events / HAM Radio 101

Prepping for the Pitcairn Island VP6R DXpedition

One of the biggest DXpeditions of the year is officially only about a month away. Time to start thinking about logging Pitcairn Island, the least populous national jurisdiction in the […]

large antenna array for ham radio
HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio Slang: “Little Pistols” and “Big Guns”

If you’re new to Ham Radio and someone calls you a “Little Pistol,” your first reaction might be, “Well, them’s fightin’ words.” Don’t be offended. It’s just the way Hams […]

HAM Radio 101

What is Cty.dat?

Cty.dat, or sometimes wl_cty.dat, also known as a “country file.” This file contains the lookup information that translates prefixes of callsigns into country and/or zone multipliers. Software uses this file, […]

Pitcairn 2019 Logo

DX Engineering Puts Strong Support Behind the 2019 Pitcairn Island VP6R DXpedition

When the VP6R Pitcairn Island DXpedition team sets up camp in the South Pacific this October, they’ll be unpacking and installing loads of gear from DX Engineering, including a custom-designed […]

HAM Radio 101

Biography: Jack Smith, K8ZOA (SK)

Some Amateur Radio operators leave behind such a legacy of hard work, high-level thinking, and pure devotion to the advancement of the hobby that their call sign will never fade […]

DX Engineering ferrite cores
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: Ferrite–What it is and Why You Need It

If your station suffers from radio frequency interference (RFI), today’s Word of Day, ferrite, should become an immediate and permanent part of your Ham Radio vocabulary. Different mixes of ferrite—a […]

compact antenna module
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: COMPACTenna

From time to time, our Word of the Day feature will highlight an innovative product from the world of Ham Radio. Today, we look at COMPACTenna’s patented line of small, […]

Technical Articles

Inductor Selection: Manufacturers Part Numbers

Amateurs have long used the Amidon ( part numbering system for ferrite and powdered iron toroid cores. For powdered iron cores, the Amidon part number begins with a T and […]

Technical Articles

Inductor Selection: Design Sensitivities

When you start designing your own circuits, one of the biggest challenges is not obtaining component values, but choosing from many different types of components all having the same value! […]