Technical Articles
Contests come in a lot of shapes and sizes, from domestic sprints lasting a few hours to weekend-long, 48-hour worldwide DX contests. The difference can be as great as between […]
Events / HAM Radio 101
November is the season to give thanks for some of the year’s best Ham Radio contesting opportunities. Here are a few highlights: ARRL November Sweepstakes, CW (November 2-4) 2100 UTC […]
Technical Articles
When Hams consider handheld transceivers (HTs), they usually think about short-distance communication. The first type of communication is simplex (direct communication between two radios) that you might use to keep […]
HAM Radio 101
In honor of Halloween, our Word of the Day features an object designed to strike terror in the hearts of any amateur operator who ever called CQ. Of course we’re […]
HAM Radio 101
Poaching is when a third station strays onto the frequency of a station who is running in order to make contact with one of the responding stations. If N9RV is […]
Technical Articles
Technicians comprise about half of the licensed Ham Radio population in the United States. While there’s a lot of stuff you can do in ham radio with a Tech ticket, […]
Events / HAM Radio 101
Spearheaded by a group of dedicated Hams from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadian National Parks On The Air (CNPOTA) is a new program (modeled after ARRL’s defunct National Parks on the […]
Technical Articles
Change in Amateur Radio operation modes often comes slowly due to the need to change equipment. Two major changes in the history of Amateur Radio that vividly illustrate this include […]
HAM Radio 101
A slang term used to refer to the adjusting of times in the contest log to make QSOs appear to conform to the rules of a category and contest. This […]
Technical Articles
So you have a station, you’re operating in the contests, and looking to move up the score listings— excellent! But what to do? Is there a BNR (Big New Radio) […]