Scouts Worldwide Prepare for Jamboree-on-the-Air 2019
In a few weeks, boys and girls from around the world will be celebrating a Ham Radio event that has captured the imaginations of countless youth for 61 years—Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA). […]
In a few weeks, boys and girls from around the world will be celebrating a Ham Radio event that has captured the imaginations of countless youth for 61 years—Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA). […]
A means of preventing two transmitters from keying or transmitting simultaneously. A hardware lockout accomplishes this task by inhibiting the transmit/key line on the different radios with a lockout circuit. […]
(Editor’s Note: The following article is from the archives of experimenter, inventor, friend of the Ham Radio community, and founder of Clifton Laboratories, Jack Smith, K8ZOA (SK).) In working on an […]
If you purchase ferrite components from most manufacturers, you’ll find that they all look pretty much alike: dark grey beads and toroids and rods without markings or other identification. This […]
No matter where you operate, you’re going to need electricity. Some portable scenarios will allow you to use commercial power, of course, but for most situations, this means a battery. […]
Propagation that utilizes the E layer of the ionosphere. Since this layer is inconsistently ionized and is lower than the F layers that support more reliable HF propagation, such propagation […]
Reverse Beacon Network is an internet-based network of dedicated wide band receivers around the world which decode CW signals in real time and generate “spots” which contain frequency, signal strength, […]
The ZK3A Tokelau Islands 2019 DXpedition’s 19-member team will be using a range of DX Engineering equipment while operating from this dependent territory of New Zealand in the southern Pacific […]
Looking for a smart way to improve station performance without making a big investment? A good place to start is installing quality coaxial cables and connectors. How you choose to […]
What are Iambic and single Lever paddles and how are they wired? In our latest Q&A Wednesday, we discussed the differences between Straight Keys and two types of Keyer Paddles […]