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TX7M ham radio QSL card from Marquesas Islands
Photo Galleries

It’s All in the Cards: QSLs from Marquesas Islands

Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with […]

Products & Product Reviews

Choosing the Right Radial Plate for Your Radial Wire System

Throw down a challenge to an Amateur Radio experimenter and you can practically hear the gears of inspiration grinding. At DX Engineering, it’s a familiar sound. In the longstanding tradition […]

Switch Pad 8 Transceiver Memory Keypad
Products & Product Reviews

Product Profile: Switch Pad 8 Transceiver Memory Keypad

This week in our Word of the Day column, we’ll be focusing on what’s new in the 2019 DX Engineering Fall/Winter Catalog. Turn to Page 4, Featured New Products, and […]

portable rackmount case
Products & Product Reviews

Holiday Gift Guide for Hams: Equipment Cases

As a Ham Radio enthusiast, the holiday season is a great time to show your fellow operators just how much you appreciate them. It’s also an opportunity to find the […]

HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: Ham Radio Catalog

If you remember the thrill of leafing through a holiday catalog as a kid—circling all the pipe-dream stuff you wanted but knew you would never acquire—you’re hardly alone. Years removed […]

Events / HAM Radio 101

What is the Antique Wireless Association?

The Antique Wireless Association (AWA) is committed to making sure the bygone days of radio are not forgotten. Per its website, the AWA’s vision is “To preserve and share the […]

geochron digital atlas screenshot
Technical Articles

Long-Duration HF Contesting Tips: Looking Beyond Your Equipment…Tips on Coming Out on Top

Contests come in a lot of shapes and sizes, from domestic sprints lasting a few hours to weekend-long, 48-hour worldwide DX contests. The difference can be as great as between […]

ARRL November sweepstakes logo
Events / HAM Radio 101

Guide to November Contests

November is the season to give thanks for some of the year’s best Ham Radio contesting opportunities. Here are a few highlights: ARRL November Sweepstakes, CW (November 2-4) 2100 UTC […]

mirage vhf radio amplifier
Technical Articles

DXing with a Handheld: What You Need to Know

When Hams consider handheld transceivers (HTs), they usually think about short-distance communication. The first type of communication is simplex (direct communication between two radios) that you might use to keep […]

HAM Radio 101

What is a “The Wouff-Hong?”

In honor of Halloween, our Word of the Day features an object designed to strike terror in the hearts of any amateur operator who ever called CQ. Of course we’re […]