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DX Engineering virtual hamfest logo

Are You Registered Yet? Tomorrow is the First DXE Virtual Hamfest and DX Academy

Register Now and Be Online for Your Chance to Win a $1,000 DX Engineering Gift Card The speakers are ready, the Zoom platform and YouTube channel are set, and the […]

HAM Radio 101

Word Origins: What does “DX” Mean?

On July 25, 2020, DX Engineering will be holding its first-ever, all-day combined virtual event, featuring the DXE Virtual Hamfest from 9 am to noon and DX Academy (see more […]

DX Engineering virtual hamfest logo

Don’t Forget to Register for the DXE Virtual Hamfest and DX Academy, July 25

Two Chances to Win $1,000 DX Engineering Gift Cards While we wait for the time we can gather in person for Ham-related activities, there are a few aspects of “going […]

HAM Radio 101

Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist and Inventor Guglielmo Marconi (April 25, 1874 – July 20, 1937)

There are often more minds involved in the creation of an invention than the one that receives ultimate notoriety and acclaim, particularly with an invention as complex and cutting edge […]

Ham Radio QSL Card from Baker Island KH1/KH7Z 2018
Events / Photo Galleries

It’s All in the Cards! QSLs from Baker Island KH1/KH7Z 2018

Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. Usually we showcase ones from entities that are currently active or will soon be QRV. However, with […]

Amateur Radio News

Ham Radio Operator Bob Behnken, KE5GGX, and Doug Hurley Launch Commercial Crew Program into Space

NASA astronaut and Ham enthusiast Colonel Bob Behnken, KE5GGX, and fellow astronaut Colonel Doug Hurley made history on May 30 as the astronauts aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule on […]

closeup of an Icom IC-7200 radio screen in use
Technical Articles

So You Still Have Your License but Haven’t Operated in Years: A Guide to Getting Back into the Hobby

One of the problems of writing an article like this is that Hams who have not been active for years probably don’t know about “OnAllBands” and won’t find this article. […]

astronaut making a ham radio contact from space station
Amateur Radio News / Technical Articles

Hams in Space: Contacting the International Space Station

When astronaut Owen Garriott, W5LFL (sk), keyed down his 2 meter transceiver aboard the space shuttle Columbia on December 1, 1983, he became the first person to use Ham radio […]

transworld ham radio antenna kit
Products & Product Reviews

TransWorld Antennas—Big HF Performance in a Small Package

In honor of DX Engineering’s upcoming combined DXE Virtual Hamfest and DX Academy July 25, 9 am to 5 pm, we’ll be looking at one of DX Engineering’s popular traveling […]

important announcement graphic

Mark Your Calendars for the DXE Virtual Hamfest and DX Academy in July

Join the Elmers at DX Engineering and a host of Ham Radio luminaries on Saturday, July 25, 2020, for the first DXE Virtual Hamfest and DX Academy—two online events combined […]