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Icom IC-703 ham radio head unit
Products & Product Reviews

ICOM’s Portable All Mode IC-705 Transceiver Is Coming. Have You Thought About an Upgraded Antenna?

For those chomping at the bit to get their hands on ICOM’s IC-705 HF/50/144/430 MHz All Mode Portable Transceiver, you can get ahead of the game by having an upgraded […]

ZS8M QSL card from Prince Edward Islands

It’s All in the Cards! QSLs from Prince Edward Islands

Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. Usually we showcase ones from entities that are currently active or will soon be QRV. […]

Multimeter screen displaying 12.56 volts
Technical Articles

Troubleshooting Your Transceiver

Uh-oh, the radio’s broken! It’s either doing something it’s not supposed to or not doing something it’s supposed to. The natural response will always be to change a few things, […]

Amateur Radio News

Scientists Forecast that Solar Cycle 25 Could Actually Be Epic for Ham Radio Operators

While predictions from solar physicists about the fate of Solar Cycle 25 have been categorically tepid up to this point, there may be more than just a ray of hope […]

OH3BT Finland Ham Radio QSL Card

My Most Memorable QSOs

After 38 years of being an active amateur radio operator, I’ve had over 100,000 QSOs on all bands from 160 meters to 10 GHz. Making contact with other operators around […]

Ham Radio MARS Logo
HAM Radio 101

A Beacon of Safety at Sea: the Maritime Mobile Service Network

Founded with the intent to “Serve Those Who Serve,” the Maritime Mobile Service Network (MMSN) was launched in 1968 by Amateur Radio operators Winston (the Chaplain), KB5YX, formerly WB4AKB; Steve […]


DX Engineering to Feature Ham Radio Manufacturers Weekly on Facebook Live

Ever wanted to ask a Ham Radio manufacturing company a question about the equipment it designs, manufactures, and sells? Maybe you’ve always wanted to say how much you appreciate the […]

close up of a knob on a ham radio
Technical Articles

Maintaining and Troubleshooting Your HF Station

There is a fine line between maintenance and troubleshooting, whether it’s a Ham station, a car, an audio system, or any bit of technology with several “moving parts.” One often […]

ham radio presentation screenshot
Technical Articles

Just Got Your License? Avoid These Mistakes and Get Off on the Right Foot

You just got your Tech license and your call sign. Now what? The first mistake some new Hams make is not getting on the air as soon as possible. They […]


A Guide to August 2020 Ham Radio Contests

Even during the Dog Days of August, there’s a great deal of activity in the Ham world, whether you’re into SHF operating or making QSOs with island stations. We’ve compiled […]