Search Results for: power supply

a compact mobile ham radio transceiver
Technical Articles

What To Look For in Your First Mobile Rig

After getting a license, there are so many things to learn! One of the biggest (and the most fun) is what you learn as you choose your radio. This article […]

Ham Radio station portable go-kit
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day (Go-Kit): What is a Go-Kit for Field Day?

As ARRL Field Day 2019 nears (June 22-23), many in the Ham Radio community are preparing for the serious business of honing their emergency communications skills. Field Day gives Amateur […]

Ham Radio station portable go-kit

Field Day’s Approaching—What’s in Your Go-Kit?

For many civic-minded individuals, Ham Radio is more than a hobby. It is a means of providing vital communication when disaster strikes. When all else fails, communities in crisis can […]

kenwood ham radio transceiver and power supply, with tuner
Technical Articles

7 Tips on Buying/Selling Used Ham Radio Gear

Amateur Radios are a lot like automobiles. You can buy stripped-down basic models at lower cost or splurge on full-featured models with all the bells and whistles. And, just like […]

a ferrite choke on a usb cord
Technical Articles

What is Ferrite Used For, Anyway (Part 2)

In the OnAllBands entry, “What is Ferrite, Anyway?” we discussed what ferrite is and what makes up a “mix.”  We also explored how ferrite behaves at different frequencies. Ferrite has […]

ham radio rf amplifier collage
Technical Articles

Mailbag: Is it OK to Run an Amplifier on 120 Volts AC?

Question: Is it OK to run an amplifier on 120 volts AC? This is a question that many new Amateurs ask themselves when they’re buying their first amplifier. There are […]

ham radio operators working during a field day
Events / Field Day / Technical Articles

4 Tips for Operating a GOTA (Get On the Air) Station on Field Day

One of the coolest parts of ARRL Field Day is watching a new licensee get on the air for the first time. Many longtime Amateur Radio operators can remember the […]

moh-arco-115v_hu_xl rotator controller
Antenna Tech

Doing a Good Turn: Choosing the Right Rotator for Your Amateur Radio Station

A rotator is a handy device used in ham radio communication systems to change the orientation of an antenna. Rotators have two parts, the rotator unit and the controller. The […]

Technical Articles

Ham Mobile Install–A Few Suggestions for Dealing with Noise Issues

In this installment of Ham Mobile Install, we will talk about what happens when you have followed the mobile radio installation instructions to the letter, but there is still something […]

Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur Book
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Grounding and Bonding and RFI

Over the past few years, a lot of attention has been developed regarding grounding and bonding. I am pleased that my ARRL book Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur […]