For many hams, the year 2022 represented a much-welcomed, post-pandemic return to attending Hamvention, Contest University, Four Days in May, Field Day, and other events that dot the annual amateur radio calendar. Others were content operating from home, taking advantage of the range of available contests coupled with sunnier-than-expected news about Solar Cycle 25, which is following the path anticipated by a team of scientists who predicted higher sunspot numbers rather than NASA’s dour forecast of an 11-year cycle similar to #24.
It was an eventful year for DX Engineering. The company acquired Hi-Z Antennas’ lineup of HF directive receiving array products, including its Three-Element V2 Triangular Receive Array Systems, Four-Element V2 4 Square Receive Array Systems, and Eight-Element V2 Multi-Band 8 Circle Array Systems. All Hi-Z products are now produced by DX Engineering’s design/manufacturing team.
New companies added to the 160-plus manufacturers carried by DX Engineering included:
- Monitor Sensors Power+SWR Meter
- Eaton Shortwave Radio and Home Emergency Products
- microHAM products, including its ARCO Smart Antenna Rotator Controller and radio interfaces (exclusively sold in North America through DX Engineering)
- NexTek Lightning and Surge Protectors
- BongoTies Multi-Purpose Tie Wraps
- Penta Laboratories RF Vacuum Tubes
DX Engineering also:
- Unveiled its much-anticipated RT4500HD Heavy-Duty Rotator
- Announced the expansion of its showroom at the Summit Racing Retail Superstore in Tallmadge, OH (completion and grand opening scheduled for 2023)
- Expanded its customer support team
- Sponsored the rare activation of Kiska Island (K7K) in July and the upcoming January/February 2023 Bouvet Island DXpedition (3Y0J)
- Continued to work on the development of innovative DX Engineering branded amateur radio equipment
- Held its well-attended Sale Day on October 1, which attracted bargain-hunting hams throughout the region who showed up early to grab highly discounted open-box gear.

Many hams from around the globe went online weekly to view DX Engineering Facebook Live shows hosted by Tim Duffy, K3LR, DX Engineering CEO (Tuesdays, Tim and Jeff, KB8ZWT; Thursdays, Manufacturer Showcase; Fridays with Tim). Weekly shows along with loads of other videos are available on DX Engineering’s YouTube Channel.
It was also a busy year for OnAllBand bloggers, who continued to entertain and inform with their insightful posts. Here are a few of our favorites from 2023:
Elizabeth Klinc, KE8FMJ
- Capturing the 40th Zone: How I Earned My CQ WAZ Award in FT8
- EMCOMM in Action: Providing Communications Support for the Pan Ohio Hope Ride
- Ham Radio Software for Mac and Apple Users
Kim Klimas
- Hams You Should Know: Owen Garriott, W5LFL, SK, the First Ham to Operate from Outer Space
- Hams You Should Know: General Loren Windom, W8GZ, Inventor of the Windom Antenna
- Celebrating Early Ham Gladys Kathleen Parkin, 6SO, SK
Troy Blair, KE8DRR
Mark Haverstock, K8MSH
Sean Kutzko, KX9X
- Field Day Strategies to Maximize Scores…and Fun
- A Change of Scenery: Portable Operating for Every Ham
- DXing on the Ham Radio Satellites
Ward Silver, N0AX
- Grounding and Bonding for Portable Amateur Radio Stations
- The Yasme Foundation—Part of DX History
- An Overview of Beverage Receiving Antennas—What Makes Them so Special
Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA
Wayne Marks, KE8JFW
- Vibroplex Original Bug Keys and a Visit to a Splendid Museum
- Remembering Shintaro Uda, Co-Inventor of the Yagi-Uda Antenna
Thanks to all the hams out there you continue to read and comment on our posts. Here’s wishing you all a happy New Year and prosperous, log-filled 2023!