Another busy year in amateur radio is almost history—and what a year it was! OnAllBands was excited to bear witness to all the hamfests, DXpeditions, contests, and new products that make ham radio the world’s greatest hobby.
On the positive side, we saw Cycle 25 progress in unexpectedly productive ways. We experienced the very best of what it means to be an amateur radio enthusiast—the selfless mentorship of young operators, intrepid voyagers activating remote locales, the camaraderie of swapping stories at Field Day, and the important scientific explorations so critical to keeping amateur radio vital for generations to come. The Rig in a Box (RIB) developed by George Wallner, AA7JV, marked a major advancement in the future of DXing, paving the way for DXpeditioners to more easily activate problematic sites without leaving much of a footprint. On the downside, we also endured DQRM that made on-air time a continuous challenge for those trying to capture the rare ones.
As always, thank you for being a loyal OnAllBands reader. Your input has been invaluable as we plan stories that will engage and inform in the coming year. Here’s 2023 in a nutshell:
Sunnier than Expected
While some scientists predicted that Cycle 25 would have lackluster results like its less-than-stellar predecessor, one team’s rogue forecast of a blockbuster sunspot cycle proved prescient. Hams around the world benefited from greater solar activity, enjoying HF opportunities they hadn’t experienced in years, especially on 10 meters. OnAllBands offered advice for getting the most out of 10-meter openings in these articles:
- 10 Meter Mayhem: Taking Advantage of the Hottest Band in Town
- 1o Meter Band Tips: Upgrade Your Antenna for Maximum Results
New Products Abound
One of the coolest things about ham radio is that it’s constantly changing. This was no different in 2023. Amateur radio innovators, including the engineers at DX Engineering, are always looking for ways to help hams get more enjoyment out of their time on the air. OnAllBands chronicled some of the amateur radio offerings added to the list of more than 30,000 products available at, from antenna systems to software, LiFePO4 batteries to linear amplifiers. Here are just a few:

- Consolidated Wire RG-174 and RG-316 Coaxial Cable Assemblies
- Ham Radio Deluxe Software for Windows
- OM Power Linear Amplifiers
- Bioenno LiFePO4 Battery Plus Charger Combos

- DX Engineering Single-Band Dipole Antenna Kits
- Eclipse Soldering and Alignment Trimming Tools
- Vitamin DX Publishing—Ham Radio DX, A Complete Guide
- REZ Ranger 80 Antenna System
- DX Engineering Multi-Band Off Center Dipole Antenna Kit

Growing the Company
DX Engineering added to its family of brands (Butternut Antennas, TransWorld Antenna, vertical antennas and more from Comtek, et. al.) by acquiring the lineup of KD9SV Products—well-respected performance-enhancing devices for low-band reception.
Helping Hams Work the World
DX Engineering continued to show its commitment to the amateur radio community by providing equipment for some of the most high-profile DXpeditions of 2023, including:

Yuri, N3QQ, operating CW during K7K

The three-member KH8RRC team operated from American Samoa National Park on Tutuila Island.

W8S team members at Dayton Hamvention® in May 2023

During the DXpedition, Ghana’s National Communications Authority (their government’s equivalent of the FCC) participated in amateur radio training organized by the Accra Amateur Radio Club. Held at the 9G4X Langma Village operating site in Kokrobite, the sessions were aimed at exposing the NCA staff to amateur radio practices.
- 4W8X Timor-Leste
- TX5S Clipperton Island, January 2024
- H40WA Temotu Province, February/March 2024
- CB0ZA Juan Fernandez Islands, February 2024
- Cy0S Sable Island

The eight-operator CY0S Sable Island team logged more than 84,000 QSOs during its stay on the rarely activated Canadian island.
- Guyana DXpedition February 2024
- 3Y0J Bouvet Island

Members of the 3Y0J 2023 Bouvet Island team, Adrian, KO8SCA, and Axel, DL6KVA, present DX Engineering CEO Tim, K3LR, with a certificate along with a rock and sand from Bouvet Island.
Youth Support
In July, DX Engineering hosted four young hams participating in the 2023 Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure. The operators and their families were treated to lunch at DX Engineering before driving to western Pennsylvania to operate at the K3LR Super Station during the RSGB IOTA Contest. It was the first time the DX adventure took place in the U.S.

Katie Campbell, KE8LQR, operating at K3LR.
DX Engineering also contributed gear and technical advice for the upgraded K8LPS station at Columbiana High School in Columbiana, Ohio.

DX Engineering on Social Media
Many hams from around the globe went online weekly to view DX Engineering Facebook Live shows hosted by K3LR, and visited DX Engineering’s YouTube Channel to watch product reviews, interviews with hams, and technical support videos.
It was also a busy year for OnAllBand bloggers, who continued to entertain and inform with their insightful posts. Here are a few of our favorite articles from 2023:
Elizabeth Klinc, KE8FMJ
Kim Klimas
- Interview: Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI) Founder, Dr. Nathanial Frissell W2NAF, Part One and Part Two
- Ham Radio History: Father Marshall D. Moran, 9N1MM, The Voice of the Himalayas
Troy Blair, KE8DRR
- Mistakes New Ham Operators Make: Searching for the Silver Bullet
- Mistakes New Ham Operators Make: Skimping on Quality Equipment
Mark Haverstock, K8MSH
Sean Kutzko, KX9X
Ward Silver, N0AX
- Dipoles: A Domestic Secret Weapon
- Ground Screens—The “Magic Carpet”?
- Getting the Most from Portable HF Antenna Systems
Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA
- W8S—An International DXpedition to Swains Island
- Kiska Island and the K7K DXpedition from the Edge of Alaska
Thomas Witherspoon, K4SWL
Wayne Smith, K8FF
Wayne Marks, KE8JFW
- Amateur Radio and Morse Code in Popular Culture…Some of Our Favorite Examples Part 2
- DQRM: What is it and What Can Be Done About it?
Tom Parkinson, KB8UUZ
Rod Ehrhart, K8RR
Thanks to all the hams out there you continue to read and comment on our posts. Here’s wishing you all a Happy New Year and prosperous, log-filled 2024!