For today’s post, we offer a potpourri of new products for hams: a base station manual tuner, fresh amateur radio calendars, and the latest edition of the ARRL Handbook.
Comet CAT-300 1.8-50 MHz Manual Antenna Tuner
A device that combines performance with visual appeal, this versatile and compact manual antenna tuner covering 1.8 to 50 MHz makes a fine addition for base station or portable operations.

The CAT-300 features:
- Precision cross meter
- Simultaneous measurement of forward power, reflected power, and SWR
- Illumination that allows easy viewing in low ambient light
- Push-button switches for selecting Average or PEP in 30- or 300-watt ranges
- Ability to handle up to 300 watts PEP SSB
- Tuning of dipoles, vertical, mobile whip, long wire, and other types of antennas on 160-6 meters
- Two rear panel SO-239s and a binding post for a long wire
- Maximized tuning range with two variable capacitors “TR Tune” and “X Tune”
- Simplified tuning thanks to a “Band” inductor selector labeled by amateur frequencies
- Switches for tuner bypass and two antenna ports
What do hams say?
“I had an auto antenna tuner on my IC-7300 and it went south after a year of service, so I decided to replace it with a manual tuner. The Comet CAT-300 is everything I expected. I don’t go over 100 watts so at 300 watts max this will do the trick. I have had it about two weeks now and it’s very easy to set up and use. It covers 160 thru 6 meters as expected.”
For more details, views the tuner’s instruction manual here.
2023 Amateur Radio Calendars
Don’t miss a single important ham radio date with these calendars from the ARRL and CQ Magazine!
The ARRL 2023 Calendar/Planner features photos of hams from collegiate amateur radio clubs—an excellent yearlong reminder that the future of ham radio rests in capable hands. This wall calendar includes:
- ARRL and other major contest dates
- ARRL Field Day, Jamboree On The Air, and more
- U.S. amateur radio bands chart
- Phases of the moon and major meteor showers
- Major religious and secular holidays
- 2023 monthly planner

The 15-month CQ Amateur Radio 2023-24 Wall Calendar showcases full-color images that cover the breadth of amateur radio: spectacular shacks, antennas, vintage gear, scenery, and the hams who keep the hobby thriving. It also includes dates of importance to amateur operators (major contests and events), meteor showers, phases of the moon and other astronomical information, and holidays.

Also available is the 15-Month CQ Ham Shack Project 2023-24 Calendar, which includes full-color images of some of the unusual and exciting projects that appeared within the pages of CQ Magazine.

100th Anniversary Edition of the ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications
Treat yourself to the 100th anniversary edition of this ultimate ham radio reference, available in this comprehensive six-volume paperback set written and edited by leaders in their respective ham radio specialties. A century in the making, this latest edition has been extensively revised and expanded to include up-to-date content; new topics; and projects for all skill levels, from simple accessories to legal-limit amplifiers.

Key topics:
- Radio electronics theory and principles
- Circuit design and equipment
- Signal transmission and propagation
- Digital modulation and protocols
- Antennas and transmission lines
- Construction practices
New projects and content include:
- All-new chapter on radio propagation covering a wide range of bands and modes
- New and updated sections on electronic circuit simulation
- New cavity filter and high-power HF filter projects
- New coverage on digital protocols and modes
- New material on RFI from low-voltage lighting and other sources
- Revised section covering new RF exposure limits
- New content on portable station equipment, antennas, power, and assembly
- New material on ferrite uses and types
- New section on how to use portable SDR to locate sources of RFI