Product Reviews

New Product/Vendor Spotlight: RigSelect Pro Transceiver Switch and SO2R Controller (Video)

OnAllBands has exciting news for multi-operator contest stations. DX Engineering now carries the RigSelect Pro Transceiver Switch and SO2R Controller—a device loaded with advanced features for contesters looking for a competitive edge. 

The RigSelect Pro makes it possible to implement a station in which any two of up to four connected radios can be selected as the SO2R pair—and in any order. Further, users can switch one set of headphones, microphone, paddle/key, and PTT line among any of four radios.

Contesters can enjoy quiet, solid-state, telcom-quality relays for all audio switching, which makes switching extremely fast. Status and menu options can be clearly viewed on a color TFT display. The compact unit (2.83″ H x 7.72″ W x 6.69″ D) tips the scales at only 2.76 pounds.

rigselect pro module controller box, front
(Image/DX Engineering)

The RigSelect Pro supports OTRSP (Open Two Radio Switching Protocol) directly. Multiple configurations of SO2R audio management are available depending on operator preferences. Key, microphone, and PTT can be quickly switched between any two of up to four connected radios under control of a logging program using the OTRSP protocol.

rigselect pro module controller box, back
(Image/DX Engineering)

There are three logical serial ports available for computer control of the RigSelect Pro via two physical USB-C connectors:

  • On the RUN USB connector, one port is for CW commands to the built-in genuine K1EL WinKeyer 3 CW chip.
  • A second port connects a logging program to RigSelect Pro using OTRSP to make lightning-fast computer-controlled transitions between radios. Because of these two ports on the RigSelect Pro, an interface program is not required on a PC. Connection can be made directly between most logging programs and the two CW/OTRSP ports.
  • A third port on the APP USB connector is available for the Windows RigSelect Application for Microsoft Windows. This allows the operator direct control of RigSelect Pro via a Windows interface for quick adjustment of RigSelect Pro options and settings without using the front panel menu system.

The RigSelect Pro also supports a powerful computer control capability via an internal command set which is available on the APP connector. In addition to all the OTRSP commands, there are 65 different RigSelect commands available. These can be combined in a macro for use either within the App or assigned to a front panel pushbutton. In addition to the above features and the OTRSP protocol, RigSelect implements the audio switching capabilities popularized in the YCCC SO2R Box as listed below with some improvements.

  • Blank TX on XMIT: This is an SO2R option to blank the audio from the radio that is transmitting a computer-generated message.
  • Blank with Blend: Blend is also available in the Blank TX on XMIT option. This allows a lower volume audio signal from the transmitting radio to still be heard in that radio’s earpiece. The volume level of the Blend can be set using the “Blend Volume” setting.
  • Split-Latch Option: This is an SO2R option where both earpieces are switched to the tip (left) main receiver channel of the receiving radio while the other radio is transmitting under computer control.
  • Split-Stereo: In Split-Stereo, both earpieces are switched to the receiving radio stereo outputs during transmit. Once transmit is concluded, the headphones will be returned to the radios they were connected to prior to transmit.
  • Standard SO2R: This is not a specific option but is the result of not selecting any of the other transmit radio audio switching options. This is also the factory default. In other words, “Standard SO2R” is what you get when Split-Latch, Split-Stereo, and Blank-on-TX are all turned off. In this case, nothing happens to headset audio when transmit is occurring. You continue to hear the transmitting radio in its assigned earpiece. This will usually be a sidetone or monitor signal.

For more details about the RigSelect Pro, watch Tim Duffy, K3LR, interview Courtney Krehbiel, KD6X, owner of KD6X Designs, in the video below:

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