A Big Advantage for Base and Portable Satellite Ops
OnAllBands is always excited to announce a new product from WiMo Antenennen und Electronik, which are exclusively available in North America through DX Engineering.
Today is no exception, but a little background first before we get to the new WiMo gear.
DX Engineering distributes a range of WiMo-made products and other brands manufactured by the Herxheim, Germany-based amateur radio leader. The exclusive arrangement between WiMo and DX Engineering has enabled operators in North America to receive sought-after, station-enhancing gear quickly while saving on shipping costs and receiving world-renowned customer support from DX Engineering’s team of active hams, boasting 1,000-plus years of combined amateur radio experience.
The growing list of WiMo products sold through DX Engineering includes:
- PicoAPRS and VHF Transceiver (below)
- QRM Eliminator
- X-Quad Antennas and Remote Polarization Switches
- Aluminum Telescoping Masts
- Heavy-Duty Fiberglass Telescoping Masts
- Mast Tripods
- Big Wheel Horizonal Loop Antennas
- Antennas from InnovAntennas and EAntenna

Check Out What’s New
Designed in Germany, the compact ERC-DUO USB Interface for Yaesu Rotators lets you connect compatible Yaesu rotator controllers to a computer via USB. The ERC-DUO can connect to all Yaesu rotator controllers that have an “Ext. Control” connector.

The interface includes a six-pin mini-DIN cable for the Yaesu DXA series controllers. A suitable eight-pin DIN (not mini-DIN) cable must be purchased separately for use with Yaesu azimuth-elevation models G-5500DC and G-5500. The ERC-DUO offers connection options for up to two rotators simultaneously to support satellite antenna systems with azimuth and elevation motors.
The interface uses the Yaesu rotator control protocol, just like the Yaesu GS-232A/GS-232B interface. This makes this interface compatible with almost all rotator control programs and logging software programs on the market.
A key advantage is that the ERC-DUO Interface is powered via the PC USB port, so it is easy to use for either base or portable satellite operations because it does not require an external power supply.
Also included is the USB A to USB B cable for the PC connection. Install the USB driver before connecting the ERC-DUO, a simple download from the FTDI website. The calibration tool, user manual, and control software can be downloaded from the URL provided in the documentation included in the product packaging.
Supported Yaesu rotators:
- G-2800DXA
- G-1000DXA
- G-800DXA
- G-5500 and G-5500DC
- All other Yaesu models with an “Ext. Control” socket
Find the ERC-DUO USB Interface for Yaesu Rotators and more than 60 WiMo branded products at DXEngineering.com.