The 2021 edition of the DX Engineering catalog is out. That’s outstanding news if you’re itching to upgrade your station, and even better news if you’re a fan of Chameleon Antenna products. Check out page 52 for a slew of new Chameleon gear, including these antennas:

CHA-LEFS Lightweight End-Fed Sloper Antenna
With its minimalist design, this six-band (40/20/17/15/12/10M) HF no-tuner antenna is made for the serious backpacker and outdoor adventurer who doesn’t want the extra bulk. It features a sturdy line winder with integral high-efficiency impedance matching network transformer, ultra-thin 20 gauge PTFE antenna KEVLAR wire, and 50 feet of lightweight Micro 90 paracord.

This field-tunable resonant antenna will provide long-range communication on 40 and 20 meters using short-range communication via NVIS propagation. Small but rugged, it is ideal for temporary setup at a campsite or emergency shelter, yet it’s durable enough for semi-permanent installation at a base station. Add a wide-range antenna tuner for operation on 17, 15, 12, and 10 meters.

Portable HF Tactical Delta Loop Antenna
Designed for transportability, quick setup, and a small footprint, this antenna is perfect for camping or temporary installation at houses with a small yard or antenna restrictions. It can operate on 80-6M but is most effective from 30-6M. It also provides acceptable shorter range NVIS propagation on 80-40M, making it a useful backup EMCOMM antenna.
Enter “Chameleon” at for the full lineup of portable antennas, portable HF backpack antenna systems, EMCOMM portable antennas, capacity hat kits, and more.
Don’t have your new catalog yet? Click here to request your free copy or find what you need in the easy-to-use online digital version.