DX Engineering is excited to announce the addition of OM Power to its already impressive lineup of manufacturers who produce amplifiers designed to meet the specific needs of the ham radio community.
Founded by ham radio enthusiasts in Slovakia in 2004, OM Power has grown to become a leader in producing amplifiers that deliver reliable results for operators in amateur radio shacks around the globe. DX Engineering will initially carry the following OM Power legal-limit tube amplifiers, with plans to add more options in the near future. Check DXEngineering.com to see if select OM Power amplifiers are currently in stock.
OM2000+ HF Plus 6 Meter Manual Tune 1,500W+ Linear Amplifier
This unit—weighing in at 53 lbs. and measuring 15.3″ W x 7.7″ H x 14.6″ D—offers a number of advantages for contesters, CW operators, and DXers, including high-level protection circuits; an intuitive 4.3-inch color touchscreen that allows you to easily gain access to advanced features and settings; easy maintenance; ample cooling, even during long on-air sessions; simplified troubleshooting thanks to its built-in memory for faults and warnings; display of many operational parameters; QSK (full break-in) with silent T/R vacuum relay; and removable HV transformer for easy transport. Other features include:
- One FU-728F ceramic tetrode tube
- All-mode coverage
- Power output of 1,500W+ SSB/CW on HF; 1,500W SSB/CW on 50 MHz; 1,200W Digital (800W on 50 MHz)
- Normally 40-60W for full output power
- 3:1 maximum output SWR
- 15dB power gain
- Output impedance: 50 ohm, SWR < 1.5:1
- Cooling provided by centrifugal blower plus external axial blower
- Blower is activated by switching the PA on and it is turned off when cooling is finished (approximately one to five minutes after switching off the PA depending on the temperature of the tube)
- Blower working mode is programmable with up to three modes
- Automatic switching to STBY when reflected power is 350W or higher
- Mechanical safety switch provides “switch-on” blocking and protects the user from potential hazards by not allowing the amplifier to power on when the case is opened
- Power supply: switchable 230, 240, 250V -60 Hz for U.S. models
- 20A current maximum (recommended minimal IE 20 Amps Circuit breaker)
- Intermodulation distortion of -32 dB below nominal output
- Suppression of harmonics: < -50 dBc on HF, < -70 dBc on 50 MHz
- Protection circuits: VSWR too high, anode current too high, anode voltage error, screen current too high, screen voltage error, mistuning of power amplifier, and more
- Automatic setup current anode (BIAS) so users do not need to perform manual adjustments in the unlikely event that a tube needs to be replaced
- One 3kVA toroidal transformer
Find many more details in the OM2000+ instruction manual.

OM2000A+ HF Plus 6 Meter 1,500W+ Auto Tune Linear Amplifier
This amplifier includes many of the features and benefits of its manual tuning cousin, plus automatic external antenna switching, automatic switching between bands, automatic tuning within the band according to segments, automatic switching of band pass filter, remote control operation, and automatic frequency reading even if there’s no CAT.
Full band change or frequency reading compatibility is built in for modern transceivers, and RF Sense band change supports legacy transceivers. The OM2000A+ supports automatic antenna switching for up to 10 antennas. Other features include:
- Response speed of autotune: less than 0.5 seconds within the same band; less than 3 seconds out of band
- Remote operation is supported via LAN port (Ethernet) and PC program download, enhancing control of the amplifier. The user can remotely switch the amplifier ON and OFF, switch between STBY and OPERATE, switch between pre-programmed antennas, read and reset the last 20 warnings and fault messages, manually fine tune the PA Tune and Load, check operating parameters, select PC display of the amplifier screen, and more.
Find many more details in the OM2000A+ instruction manual.

OM4001HF HF Manual Tune 1,500W+ Linear Amplifier and OM4001A HF 1,500W+ Auto Tune Linear Amplifier
Both the OM4001 manual and auto tuning amps come with two FU-728F ceramic tetrode tubes capable of providing stable, full legal-limit power and 160-10M frequency coverage. Featuring many of the same benefits and features found in the OM2000 models, these solidly built units weigh just over 100 lbs. and measure 19″ W x 7.9″ H x 18″ D.
- Power Output: 1,500W+ SSB/CW; 1,500W Digital
- 17dB power gain
- Two 3kVA toroidal transformers
Find many more details in the OM4001HF and OM4001A instruction manuals.

Also, check to see if these OM Power amplifiers are in stock at DXEngineering.com: OM2000+ HF Plus 6 Meter and MARS Manual Tune 1,500W+ Linear Amplifier and OM4001HFMARS HF Plus MARS Manual Tune 1,500W+ Linear Amplifier.
NOTICE: The legal operation of any linear amplifier within the applicable regional or country amateur radio regulations is the responsibility of the licensed operator.