Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. Usually we showcase ones from entities that are currently active or will soon be QRV. However, with so many DXers homebound these days and the number of DXpeditions reaching all-time lows, we’ve altered the rules. Until things change, you can expect a bit of everything from our stockpiles of QSL cards, including the rarest of the rare, personal favorites, and recent QSLs of historical significance.
National Navajo Code Talkers Day
For National Navajo Code Talkers Day, August 14, 2019, Hams around the world contacted special event station N7C to honor the bilingual Navajo speakers who played a vital communications role while serving with the U.S. Marine Corps in the Pacific theater during World War II. Translating English code words into their native language, the “code talkers” sent confidential messages from battle lines to air bases and other locations, saving countless lives yet going unnoticed for their bravery until much later after the war. President Ronald Reagan declared August 14 as National Code Talker’s Day in 1982.

Dave, N8NB, DX Engineering technical support specialist, participated in the event by reaching John, W5PDW, on 40M SSB. Above is the QSL card he received.
This Catholic lay religious order located in Rome, Italy (officially known as the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta) is often referred to as the “smallest sovereign state in the world.” Aided by a corps of volunteers in 120 countries, the order employs 40,000 doctors, nurses, and other personnel who assist those in dire need around the globe, including victims of epidemics, wars, and natural disasters. Read here about the order’s continuing efforts to fight the coronavirus pandemic and its other humanitarian work.

Tom, KB8UUZ, DX Engineering technical writer, made contact with the 1A0KM DXpedition from the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in June 2014 on 15M SSB.

Closer to home, DX Engineering Sales Manager Scott, WR3G, recalled the great fun he had operating during a North Coast Contesters DXpedition to Quebec, Canada, Zone 2, during the 1992 CQ Worldwide CQ Contest. He shared the QSL card above from the event.

Finally, here’s another one (above) from Tom, KB8UUZ—just for laughs. Recognize anyone you know in this card?
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