Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details about what it took to make these contacts. We’re excited to share some of the special cards pulled from the thousands we’ve received over the years. We look forward to seeing your cards as well!
The Republic of Senegal QRV in December
DXers will have a brief window in which to log the West African country of Senegal in December thanks to the 6V1A DXpedition. 6W1KI, 6W1PZ, 6W1QL, 6W7JX and others are scheduled to operate two stations from Gorée Island (IOTA AF-045)—one of the 19 districts of Dakar, Senegal—from December 13-15. The team will be QRV on various HF bands in SSB and CW.
Forty-five acre Gorée Island (population 1,600) lies about 1.2 miles from the main harbor at Dakar, Senegal’s capital. The island has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1978. Most of its primary buildings were erected during the second half of the eighteenth century, including the Maison des Esclaves (House of Slaves, built 1780-1784), which has become a pilgrimage site for travelers commemorating the African diaspora.
As of November, the Republic of Senegal (population 15 million) ranked as the 206th Most Wanted DXCC entity in North America.

Tom, KB8UUZ, DX Engineering technical writer, worked the September 2002 Billy Youssef, F0GJE/6W1RD DXpedition from Dakar on 15M SSB. He received a QSL card from the E78A/6W1SJ March 2009 DXpedition from Senegal, making contact on 20M SSB.

George, K3GP, customer/technical support specialist, reached the 6W6 /K3IPK DXpedition on 17M CW. In 2007, he worked the 6V7D/6V7H DXpedition from Senegal on 20M CW.

Dave, N8NB, technical support specialist and member of the DXCC Honor Roll, reached the 2007 6V7E DXpedition on 80M CW.
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