OnAllBands is kicking off our QSL card posts for 2025 with a mix of DXpeditions from around the globe. Consider this a little inspiration to expand your horizons and DXing capabilities in the new year.
Need assistance? Your friends at DX Engineering—active amateur radio operators with a combined 1,000-plus years of on-air experience—are here to help.
Visit DXEngineering.com for everything you need to break through the pileups and capture the rare ones, fill bands, or have a heart-pounding time trying. You’ll find transceivers; amplifiers; CW paddles and keys; antennas; audio enhancements including headsets, speakers, and microphones; coaxial cables and connectors; digital mode interfaces; and more.
Here are a few January 2025 DXpeditions to put on your DXing schedule:
The T8 DXpediton by JA6EGL (T88SM) and JE6KFN (T88XK) is scheduled to run from Jan. 10-16 from Koror Island (IOTA OC-009). You can reach the team on 160-6M in CW, SSB, and Digital. Palau was the 131st Most Wanted DXCC Entity per Clublog as of December 2024.
Koror is one of Palau’s 340 islands and acts as the republic’s commercial center, containing about 70% of its population (14,000 out of 18,000). The tenth season of the American reality show “Survivor” was filmed on Koror.
Tom, KB8UUZ, DX Engineering technical writer, worked the January 2016 T88SM DXpedition from Koror Island on 15M CW.

The 8R1TM DXpedition by Aldir, PY1SAD, from Guyana began on Jan. 1 and is scheduled to run until Feb. 8 from Georgetown, Guyana’s capital and largest city. PY1SAD is QRV on all bands in SSB, CW, Digital, and Satellite.
In 2024, DX Engineering sponsored the youth-oriented 8R7X DXpedition from this South American country—one of the world’s least densely populated locations and the third smallest sovereign state on the continent. The team of four operators (M0SDV, DK6SP, DJ4MX, and HA8RT) logged more than 73,400 CW, SSB, and Digital QSOs during their 12-day operation in February.
Guyana was the 114th Most Wanted DXCC Entity per Clublog as of December 2024.

The highly anticipated multi-operator 160-6M TX7N DXpedition from Hiva Oa is scheduled for Jan. 12-27. The 24/7 operation from this 61st Most Wanted DXCC Entity (a group of volcanic islands in the central South Pacific Ocean, 740 miles northeast of Tahiti) is being sponsored by DX Engineering, which provided a range of gear including:
- RG-8X 50-ohm Bulk Coaxial Cables
- DX Engineering Next Generation Crimp/Solder 8U PL-259 Connectors
- microHAM DXP Portable Digital Mode and Radio Control Interfaces
Back in 2014, Tom, KB8UUZ, received this QSL card from the TX7G DXpedition from Hatihe’u Village, Nuku Hiva, on 12M SSB.

American Samoa
OE3GEA, as KH8/OE3GEA, will be operating from American Samoa from Jan. 12-15 on 30-10M in CW. American Samoa, the 94th Most Wanted DXCC Entity as of December 2024, is an unincorporated territory of the United States located in the Polynesian region of the South Pacific Ocean. It is the U.S.’s southernmost territory. In July 2023, DX Engineering sponsored the three-operator KH8RRC activation of Tutuila Island in American Samoa.
The KH8RRC 17-day DXpedition from Mount ‘Alava (POTA K-0053 and IOTA OC-045) reached 139 countries, all 50 states, and 39 CQ zones on six continents thanks, in part, to gear provided by DX Engineering, including:
- DX Engineering Wire Antenna Balun Mounting Bracket Kits
- DX Engineering Maxi-Core® 20 1:1 Current Balun Chokes
- DX Engineering RG-8X PL-259 Low-Loss 50-ohm Coax Cable Assemblies

The multi-operator Czech DXpedition Group C8K activation of Mozambique is scheduled for Jan. 17-Feb. 2. DXers can try to reach the highly accomplished team on 160-6M (including 60M) in SSB, CW, RTTY, FT8, FT4, PSK, and QO-100 (Es’hail 2) Satellite—a Qatari satellite launched aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in late 2018. Es’hail 2 includes a linear transponder with a bandwidth of 500 kHz and 8 MHz, with uplink on 2.4 GHz and downlink on 10.45 GHz. Read much more about C8K at its official website.
Wayne, K8FF, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, worked C92RU in 2021.

Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details about what it took to make these contacts. We’re excited to share some of the special cards pulled from the thousands we’ve received over the years. We look forward to seeing your cards as well!