Sometimes we come across a video at OnAllBands that is simply too good not to share with our readers. Today’s video spotlight is just that—a six-minute confirmation that amateur radio, even in this age of smartphones and a million other shiny distractions, can still capture the imaginations of young people, the techies who will one day carry the torch for our beloved hobby. If you’ve ever wondered about the future of amateur radio, prepare to be inspired. Better yet, the segment below exposed a national audience to just how cool amateur radio can be.
On December 11 of last year, longtime television journalist Harry Smith and a film crew from NBC’s Today Show was on hand at Harbor Creek High School in Harborcreek, Pennsylvania, to document the moment when sophomore Giles Veit, KC3SRK—to hearty applause from students, teachers, and guests in the packed gym—made contact with European Space Agency astronaut Andreas Mogensen, KG5GCZ, commander of the International Space Station. During the 10-minute QSO with the ISS, multiple participants from the school’s Advanced Technology Group—students ranging from seventh to twelfth grade— asked Mogensen (below) questions.

Students in the group raised money to purchase the equipment (some of it from DX Engineering) needed to make the contact. The group plans to visit amateur radio super station K3LR this summer. From all of us at OnAllBands and DX Engineering, congratulations to everyone involved! Now enjoy the video—and see if you can spot the DX Engineering logo which pops up throughout.
You can watch the entire event thanks to this video from ARISS (Amateur Radio on the International Space Station).