A Good Reminder to Upgrade Your Own Station’s Long-Distance Capabilities
The International DX Association (INDEXA) is celebrating 40 years of service to the ham radio community with a party—and everyone’s invited!
The INDEXA Worldwide QSO Party runs from September 2, 0000Z to September 10, 2400Z. Billed as a “QSO Party for the World,” the event is being held in honor of INDEXA’s four decades of commitment to the “enhancement of amateur radio, worldwide peace, and friendship,” per its website.

The event is open to all radio amateurs, both members and non-members of INDEXA. From the contest website, “You can operate as much or as little as you desire, earn points and multipliers, submit your score, compete for awards, or just chat. Operate 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters on CW, SSB, or RTTY. Enjoy the places this event takes you and have fun.” You can read complete contest rules here.
From the nonprofit group’s website, “The International DX Association is an amateur radio organization dedicated to working DX and making DX possible.” Run entirely by volunteers, the 1,000-member organization has sponsored hundreds of DXpeditions to rare and semi-rare countries since its formation in 1983, including those also supported by DX Engineering: Sable Island, CY0S; Pitcairn Island, VP6R; and Baker Island, KH1/KH7Z, to name a few. INDEXA also notes that the group has been able to support humanitarian aid projects in conjunction with many DXpeditions, providing medical assistance, school supplies, and technology to host countries on sponsored trips.
Like INDEXA, DX Engineering is committed to helping our fellow amateur radio operators make that rare QSO while promoting the international goodwill that is so much a part of being a ham. As we wrote in a previous post, “In a small but profound way, these brief contacts build bridges between diverse people in a world that could, frankly, use a few more bridges. Every time you get on the air, you become a goodwill ambassador for the hobby and your part of the world.”
In addition to “shrinking the globe” by providing DXpeditions with critical gear, the active hams at DX Engineering offer advice to make sure DX chasers receive the equipment that’s the correct fit for their stations and goals, including transceivers; antennas; towers; amplifiers; speakers; headsets; microphones; CW keys, paddles and accessories; digital interfaces; coaxial cables and connectors; ferrite noise-reduction kits; and more available at DXEngineering.com.
DX Engineering’s most recent INDEXA newsletter advertisement focuses on DX Engineering branded receiving equipment, including the NCC-2 Receive Antenna Phasing System, RF-PRO-1B Active Magnetic Loop Receive Antenna, andReceive Short Element Active Vertical Antennas.
From all of us at DX Engineering and OnAllBands, congratulations to INDEXA for 40 years of helping to make ATNOs a reality for amateur radio operators everywhere!