Do you have a friend who keeps telling you he’s finally going to get his Technician license, but when the next class comes up he always has an excuse why he can’t take it? Do you have a son, daughter or grandchild who keeps asking questions (Hey, what does this button do?) about the stack of equipment in your shack? Then DX Engineering has the perfect gift for the holidays—the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual 4th Edition.

Think of it this way—The hottest video game is old news in a month. A fruit basket is gone in a week. A Ham Radio license lasts a lifetime. And imagine the next holiday season when your granddaughter asks you about the sunspot cycle and if she can join you in the RTTY contest? Now that’s a real gift!
The soft-cover, spiral-bound manual contains everything an aspiring Ham needs to pass the 35-question Technician Class license exam. Presented in easy-to-digest chapters, topics covered include:
- Welcome to Amateur Radio
- Radio and Signal Fundamentals
- Electricity, Components, and Circuits
- Propagation, Antennas, and Feed Lines
- Amateur Radio Equipment
- Communicating with Other Hams
- Licensing Regulations
- Operating Regulations
- Safety
For your buddies who already have the Technician Class license and have talked about adding to their on-air privileges, the General Class and Amateur Extra Class licensing manuals from the ARRL also make great gifts. DX Engineering carries other ARRL reference books, including ARRL Handbook 2020, Getting Started in EME, Antenna Book for Radio Communications, and Your Introduction to Morse Code.
Also available are excellent Amateur Radio licensing guides from Gordon West and the W5YI group.
Click here for all books and videos available from DX Engineering. Check out this video from DX Engineering’s Rod, K8RR, and Mark, W8BBQ, discussing available reference materials.
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