How did Field Day go for you and your club this year?
Many hams who participated will tell you that while propagation wasn’t ideal and the number of QSOs logged may not have matched previous efforts, the chance to once again gather in person to see old friends and swap tales of past on-air triumphs and travails made 2022 a year to remember—a reminder of why amateur radio remains one of the most satisfying (and most endlessly challenging and unpredictable) of all pursuits.
Despite propagation pitfalls, there were plenty of hams giving it their all. Check out this early review of the event from the ARRL (more than half a million contacts were already reported by July 1!). And enjoy these photos from the Portage County (Ohio) Amateur Radio Service’s Field Day activities this year, which included many of the active operators at DX Engineering:

Melanie, K8KSU, DX Engineering customer support and supply chain team leader

Wayne, KE8JFW, OnAllBands blogger

Antennas deployed and ready to go!

Ed, K8IV, DX Engineering electronic technician, who developed DX Engineering’s Transceiver Key Line Splitter

Time for a break! Tom, “Parky,” KB8UUZ, DX Engineering technical writer, and George, K3GP, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist

Scott, N3RA, DX Engineering sales manager, handling the CW duties.

Jeff, KB8ZWT, DX Engineering customer support specialist and co-host of Tuesdays with Tim, K3LR and Jeff live on Facebook, and Montie Hardman, KE8KCJ in the Heil Sound shirt

Mark, KE8XQ, who’s there to answer your questions in the DX Engineering Showroom, and Wayne, K8FF, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist

Dave Vest, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, sent us the above Field Day photo from the Highland Amateur Radio Association in Hillsboro, Ohio—2022 Dayton Hamvention Club of the Year. (Dave’s in the middle of the second row wearing the red and black DX Engineering shirt, no hat).