Unlike Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk, who was famously marooned on Mas a Tierra Island from 1704-1709, the CB0ZA DXpedition team on Robinson Crusoe Island had plenty of on-air company during their successful operation (February 13-24) from this remote spot in the Juan Fernandez Archipelago off the coast of Chile.
Despite high winds that battered the island, the international team of experienced operators logged in the vicinity of 100,000 SSB, CW, RTTY, and FT8 QSOs from this 52nd most-wanted DXCC entity—a ranking that is sure to drop thanks to the team’s diligent efforts, which included contacts made during the ARRL CW DX contest (CB0ZW) and those from remote operators who were active through a NexGenRIB Radio in a Box setup on FT8 and CW (CB0ZEW).

In addition to providing the DXing community with a pile of ATNOs and band-fills, the CB0ZA team, through a Humanitarian Fund grant from INDEXA, impacted the island’s 900 residents by gifting a 3D printer and PC to the Women’s Association there, along with training on how to use the technology for useful applications.
“The island is supplied twice a month by ship, so it can take months to get an order from mainland Chile,” noted a press release from the CB0ZA website. “This will allow the island to print needed items in a much shorter time.”
After their time on the island, the CB0ZA team met in Miami with members of another DX Engineering-sponsored venture—8R7X Guyana (see the CB0ZA Facebook page for photo).

The DXpedition was undertaken in memory of CB0ZA team leader/organizer and highly accomplished DXpeditioner Marco Quijada, CE1EW, who tragically became a silent key in November 2023.
Going along for the journey to Robinson Crusoe Island was gear from CB0ZA equipment sponsor DX Engineering, who provided the following:
- DX Engineering RG-8X PL-259 Low-Loss 50-ohm Coax Cable Assemblies, Various Lengths

- DX Engineering Coaxial RF Connector Adapters
- DX Engineering RG-8U PL-259 Low-Loss 50-ohm Coax Cable Assemblies, 150 Feet
- DX Engineering Pre-Assembled Radial Wire Kits, 65 Feet, Set of 20
- DX Engineering Pre-Assembled Radial Wire Kits, 120 Feet, Set of 10
- DX Engineering Radial Plate
- DX Engineering EZ-BUILD UWA8X Center-T and End Insulator Kit
For a taste of what it was like operating from Robinson Crusoe Island, watch this video of Tim Duffy, K3LR, DX Engineering CEO, interviewing CB0ZA team member Otis, NP4G.
Here are a few more photos sent to DX Engineering from CB0ZA:

Look for OnAllBands wrap-up reports on the 8R7X Guyana and H40WA Temotu Province DXpeditions in the days ahead.