The ZK3A Tokelau Islands 2019 DXpedition’s 19-member team will be using a range of DX Engineering equipment while operating from this dependent territory of New Zealand in the southern Pacific Ocean from October 1-11.
Experienced DXpeditioners from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Greece, New Zealand, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine and the United States will be setting up multiple stations and working on all HF bands, plus 6m and 6m EME, on CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8. Click here for more details about the DXpedition’s frequency plans. The team will be operating from all three of Tokelau Islands’ tropical atolls— Fakaofo, Nukunonu and Atafu—which comprise four square miles of land. The Amateur Radio Club in Tokelau will have call signs for each island: ZK3RF, ZK3RN and ZK3RA.
The ZK3A advanced team arrived this week and there have already been reports of some limited operations.
As of September, Tokelau Islands was the 39th Most Wanted DXCC Entity in North America, according to Club Log.
DX Engineering equipment making the trip to Tokelau Islands (IOTA: OC-048) includes:
DXE-3Q75-80-4P—DX Engineering Four-Square Array Three-Quarter Wave Tuned Cables
DXE-FS-001—DX Engineering Foot Switches
DXE-RPA-2—DX Engineering RPA-2 Modular Receive Preamplifier
The ZK3A DXpedition will also be using a Hi-Z Antennas Four Element Array System and Hi-Z Antennas 75 ohm Receive Preamplifier, exclusively available through DX Engineering.
“We wish the best of luck to the ZK3A team and all the DXers around the world who will be working the pile-ups,” said Tim Duffy, K3LR, DX Engineering Chief Operating Officer. “We are particularly honored that the ZK3A DXpeditioners will be relying on equipment designed and manufactured by DX Engineering, such as our modular receive preamp. We take this level of trust very seriously in everything we do.”
Members of the DX Engineering team will be joining DXers trying to fill bands or make Tokelau Islands an All Time New One (ATNO). In 1988, DX Engineering Sales Manager, Bob, W5OV, contacted the ZK3RVC Tokelau Islands DXpedition on 40M SSB and received this QSL card.