Beautiful spring Ohio weather greeted hams from around the world who filled buildings at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center in Xenia on Friday, May 19 to kick off Dayton Hamvention 2023. Here are a few highlights from opening day at the DX Engineering booth in Building One (the event runs until Sunday, May 21 at 1 pm):

Members of the 3Y0J 2023 Bouvet Island team, Adrian, KO8SCA, and Axel, DL6KVA, present DX Engineering CEO Tim, K3LR, with a certificate along with a rock and sand from Bouvet Island. DX Engineering was a major sponsor of this rarest of rare activations.

DX Commander’s Signature 9 All Band Vertical freestanding antenna was on display in DX Engineering’s booth. DX Engineering is the exclusive North American distributor of popular DX Commander antenna systems, which will be available at in the coming days. Read more about it here.

Hamvention attendees get a closer look at the DX Commander Signature 9 model.

A full array of DX Engineering gear is on display, including this setup which shows the DX Engineering Accessory Shelf, Super Duty Mast Clamps, Bearing Bypass Ground Kit, and Mastlock tower accessory.

The DX Engineering team is out in full force! Above, Rod, K8RR, DX Engineering lead technical support specialist, talks with a trio of hams at the DX Engineering booth.

Hamvention attendees check out the AlexLoop HamPack Portable Magnetic Loop Antenna System. Hot off the presses, plenty of new 2023 DX Engineering catalogs are available for free at the show.

Ed, K8IV, DX Engineering electronic technician, shows one of the screens from CSN Technologies’ S.A.T. Self-Contained Antenna Tracker, a device that predicts and tracks satellite passes while simultaneously controlling an antenna rotator and tuning a transceiver. The S.A.T. is one of many innovative products from leading manufacturers available at the DX Engineering booth.

It didn’t take long for things to get busy at the DX Engineering booth!

Geochron’s Digital Atlas 2 4K was on full display in the DX Engineering booth. Now imagine what that would like in your shack?

Some of the DX Engineering team take a moment to pose for a picture. Then it’s back to work. Stop by and say hello. We love to talk ham radio!